

How do I describe myself? How should I describe myself?

Maybe if I list my roles…maybe that will describe who I am: Christian. Father of Three. Husband of One. Brother of two. Friend. Clown. Artist. Programmer. Preacher. Teacher. Writer. Reader. Eater. Watcher.

Or what if I talk about my emotions…what I’m like at my worst or at my best? Blessed. Proud. Thankful. Full. Loved. Laughed. Grateful. Stressed. Hopeful. Relaxed. Satisfied.

Or what if I just talk about my responsibilities? Or maybe My likes (pizza, burgers)? My dislikes (cream of wheat, oats)?

I’m a guy. I write for myself. I think out loud on paper: feel free to read over my shoulder.

One reply on “about”

…PG Brother you just accidentally described me! Or, could there be two of us? well, I only read one of your posts so far but liked it and it looks like you may have the lost art of speaking your beliefs without crushing others that don’t see it your way. That, to me is the best way to witness and help others ( like me too ) make it easier to be reproved and ask our Father who’s right instead of picking sides.

I am bold in my current beliefs ( don’t intend to waiver but always want to remain teachable ) but I never want to step on anyone without grace being my sandals.

I’m going to read a little more of you before deciding if I want to break bread with you or not ( Bun intended ) but may the LORD continue to bless us both with His wisdom until He comes for us ( any day now ) and we are all together as one!


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