church human

What Is God’s Will For My Life (and Yours)

For years I was told to seek God’s will for my life. What career God wants for me. What school God wants me to go to. What woman God wants me to marry. That if I don’t do these things I am acting outside of the will of God and at best missing out on blessings or at worse sinning.

I was told that if I made right choices, I’d feel the peace of God that passes all understand. But if the wrong choices I’d have nothing but problems.

For me, these sorts of words led to worry. “What if God wanted me to be a missionary?”, I thought with fear as I picked my college. Quickly followed by “what if by going to that school I had missed out on the girl God wanted me to marry?”

Let me break down my thinking which I think accords more with Scripture.


Knowing the Will of God

God’s intention, His heart’s desire is:
…easy to find (John 7:17)
…for my joy to be made full by abiding in Him (John 15:4-12)
…salvation of people…salvation of me (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
…my sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4)
…for me to do right, all the time, to shut the mouths around me. (1 Peter 2)
…for me to submit (1 Peter 2)
…for me to suffer (Philippians 1:29, chapter 2)
…our churches overflowing with the Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), a holy temple