
The Chronicles of the Disciples Walk

The Spirit Made Me Do It

R. P. Amos

The Chronicles of the ?Disciple?s Walk? are various exhortations. The goal is to encourage the believer in the Lord Jesus to follow Him according to His Word rather than tradition or popular thinking.

Many are familiar with the worldly saying, ?the devil made me do it.? By that, people usually mean that it wasn?t their intention to do wrong but the enticement of the evil one overpowered them.

In Christian circles, the Holy Spirit is often given credit
when actions are called into question. Phrases such as, ?the
Spirit led me? or ?the Spirit came upon us?, are
used to settle arguments and quench any doubts. If it was the
Spirit?s doing, the logic goes, how can the action possibly
be questioned as wrong?

A similar attitude occurred in the days of Israel?s apostasy.
The Lord said, ?Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow
their own spirit, and have seen nothing! … whereas ye say,
The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken
? (Ezek.

To be sure, the Holy Spirit does indeed lead and empower every
believer (Rom. 8:12,13). The Holy Spirit also engifts every believer
for spiritual service to the body of Christ (1Cor. 12:11). But
does the Holy Spirit of God work apart from the orderly control
and discernment of the human mind renewed in Christ?

Is the Holy Spirit
of God some

mystical force that does what He

wants, when He wants, and how

He wants with no Divine authority

over Him?

Because the Corinthian believers were accustomed to the pagan
spirit world, the Lord?s apostle wrote 1Cor. 12-14 to help
them correctly discern the working of God?s Spirit in His

1Cor. 12: #1,2 Now concerning spiritual [that which involves
God?s Spirit] gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols,
even as ye were led.

Paul the apostle is contrasting the work of God?s Spirit
against their former pagan religious ways. At that time, they
were simply ?carried away? ? led like a
blind person. They followed ?dumb idols? without understanding,
and they were ?led? without intellect by seducing spirit
powers and guides. Their practices were illogical and unexplainable,
but were all attributed to the ?power of the force?
? whatever that was.

But now the apostle is informing their ignorance. The Holy
Spirit of God does not work the same way. And in these three
chapters he will reveal seven regulations on the workings of
God the Spirit in the church. These seven regulations are meant
to provide a criteria to evaluate the true workings and style
of God?s Spirit.

1. governed by the Lordship of Jesus (12:3)

2. governed by differences of function (12:4-27)

3. governed by order of value (12:28-31)

4. governed by a higher principle: love (13:1-13)

5. governed by purpose (14:1-12)

6. governed by the mind (14:13-25)

7. governed by written commandments (14-26-41)


1. Governed by


Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that SIZE=”+1″>Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost (12:3).

The Holy Spirit never defames the Name of Jesus. Rather, He
will give the enlightenment to confess Jesus as Lord. The Spirit
of God is naturally on the ?same page? as the Son of
God and God the Father. God?s Spirit is occupied with the
Lordship of Jesus Christ.

The role of the Spirit is not to point to Himself but to the
Son. The Spirit does not lead one to confess the Spirit as Lord
(though He is God) but the Son as Lord.

First, they were to understand

the authority of the Christian assembly

was not the Spirit ? but

the Lord Jesus Christ ? as

confessed by the Spirit (1:10, 12:3, 14:37).

The Protocol of the Tri-Unity

Father gives all things to the Son (Jn. 3:35, 16:15)


Son instructs the Spirit what to say (Jn. 16:14)


Spirit never speaks on His own authority ? only what He hears from the Son (Spirit has role of a messenger) (Jn. 16:13, 15). Spirit?s role is to reveal the glory of the Son. When one is ?spiritual,? that one will be occupied with the Lord Jesus Christ ? not the Spirit (Jn. 16:14).

It is to the Son that the Father has exalted to His right
hand. It is the Son that every knee is to bow and every tongue
is to confess that ?Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
of God the Father?
(Philp. 2:9-11). It is the Son that
has been declared Lord by resurrection (Acts 2:36). It is the
Son to Whom the Father hath given authority to execute judgment
(John 5:27). And it is the Son Who was set far above all principalities
and given authority as ?head over all things to the church?
(Eph. 1:20-23).

2. Governed by


Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are SIZE=”+1″>differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are SIZE=”+1″>diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all (12:4,5,6).

The apostle shows that the Spirit gives believers different
gifts. Also, the authority structure of the Lord Jesus and God
the Father administrate and operate those gifts in different
ways. The key point is differences.

He likens the church to a physical body. Though a body is
one, it has many different members. The difference of each member
makes its successful functioning dependent upon the knowledge
of those differences. One will kick with their foot rather than
their nose because of difference. Unlike a floating bubble, differences
require a body to move with controlled order.

God?s Spirit does not work like crowd hypnosis where
the whole group mystically acts or speaks in unison. As a human
body, the members of the spiritual body do not do the same thing
? for the gifts are different.

3. Governed by


And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, SIZE=”+1″>then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues (12:28).

Here the authority of the Godhead takes the gifts that the
Spirit gave and assigns them an order of importance. Their value
to the assembly as a whole to help the body grow will govern
which ones the church gives prominent attention and importance.

Apostles were given the new covenant revelation from the Lord
to write the Scriptures. Obviously with such authority apostles
would be given first place in the early church. Tongues (different
languages) were a sign for the unbeliever (14:22), making their
value to the Christian assembly minimal.

For example, consider a family that has two cars ? a
new one and a junker. The value placed on each car will govern
which one they use for vacation and which for running errands.

The local church is to desire, according to God?s order
of value, the best gifts for its functioning. But as important
as the gifts are, there is even something of higher value that
will benefit the church (12:31).

4. Governed by


And now abideth faith, hope, charity [love], these three; but the SIZE=”+1″>greatest of these is charity [love] (13:13).

Yet I show you ?a more excellent way? said the apostle
concerning the gifts of the Spirit. That higher principle is
Christ-like love. First he shows the futility of gifts without

13:1 Ability (tongues of angels) without love and I accomplish

13:2 Academics (all knowledge) without love and ?I am nothing.?

13:3 Actions (giving to the poor) without love and I acquire

Secondly, the apostle demonstrates how Christ-like love acts:
does not seek its own, rejoices in the truth, bears and endures
all things, etc.

Thirdly, he shows that the ?exciting? gifts are
temporary ? unlike faith, hope and love. And the greatest
of these three eternal things is love. Hence, the assembly should
be showing love, not glorying in any gifts with their ?freedom.?
Love is to control the use of gifts.

5. Governed by


Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church (14:12).

Though love is the higher principle that is to be employed,
spiritual gifts are still to be desired by the assembly (14:1).
But they are to be desired to fulfill a goal: edification ?
the building up of the body of Christ.

To show that spiritual gifts are for the edification of the
whole assembly and not the individual, the apostle contrasts
prophesy (proclaiming God?s revelation) with tongues (a
sign for them that believe not). He shows that prophesy can be
understood; tongues can?t except when interpreted. Like
a musical instrument, Paul teaches, if the notes aren?t
distinguishable in sound, there is no understanding of melody.
Therefore if words aren?t easily understood the assembly
is not edified.

Purpose controls usage. A carpenter will determine
which tool he uses based on purpose. If he is to install new
window panes then he does not employ the hammer to shape the

By understanding God?s purpose of why they assemble together
? to remember the Lord and to edify the whole assembly ?
a church will know what is to be accepted and what isn?t
to be.

6. Governed by
The Mind


What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding [mind] also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also (14:15).

Here, while still teaching the goal of edification, the Lord?s
apostle brings out the role of the mind in working with what
the Spirit gives and how He leads.

Being in God?s
Spirit is not being

outside the understanding and

control of one?s mind.

Therefore, a believer must understand with his mind what he
is saying, whether praying or singing. Thus if he is speaking
in a foreign language then he must pray that he can also
interpret so he and other believers can use their minds to understand

The Lord?s apostle also adds that one unlearned or an
unbeliever who visits the assembly, by understanding will
bow down and worship God. But by not understanding the language
he would leave thinking they were all crazy. Man would not be
edified and God would not be glorified. For good reason
the Spirit does not expect us to throw away our minds in His

7. Governed by
the Word


If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the SIZE=”+1″>commandments of the Lord (14:37).

Here the Lord?s apostle gives at least 5 specific
written commandments
that will regulate the use of gifts
(speaking) in the public assembly meeting (14:26).

1. If one did speak in a foreign language (tongue) it could only be two, at the most three in a meeting ? and only one at a time. No mass disorder in the Name of the Spirit (:27a).

2. There must be an interpreter for foreign languages or the person must be silent. (He is not to give the Spirit credit for ?coming over him? to justify his disobedience) (:27b, 28).

3. Only two or three prophets were to speak in one meeting. The other was to judge what he said (using the mind?s understanding of God?s Word) (:29).

4. The prophets also must speak one by one (in orderly turns) (:29-31). And ?the spirit of the prophets, are subject to the prophets? (:32). It is not the Spirit Who should be blamed when a person is disorderly and passes it off as being ?in the Spirit.? There is no excuse for disorder. A person has control over his or her own spirit if it is truly the Spirit of God at work. (?For God is not the author of confusion?) (:33).

5. The women are to be silent in the churches (public assemblies). They are not permitted to speak in any form ? not even to ask a question. ?It is a shame for women to speak in the church? (34, 35). This is not based on Corinthian culture. It is based on God?s creative choice of headship, also exemplified in the law. And this is for all the ?churches? (chapter 11 & 14:34b, 4:17). A Christian sister is never in the ?power? of the Holy Spirit or in the will of the risen Lord Jesus when speaking in the church.

(Scriptures also teach that some gifts are only connected
with the foundation of the church but it?s not in the scope
of this article to deal with that) (Eph. 2:20, etc.).

Who is the authority? Since the Corinthians were functioning
differently from all other churches, Paul wants to know why.
Was it because the Corinthians were their own authority or did
they have a special connection to God to receive things no one
else did? (14:36).

The only authority. The Lord?s apostle then reveals
that what he is writing is not personal opinion or man?s
tradition but ?the commandments of the Lord? (14:37).
Hence the Lord Jesus Christ is the authority via His historical
written word.

The criteria for one?s
claim of

being ?spiritual? is not the power

of their gift or crowd approval. It

is their submission to the Lordship

of Christ in His written

commandments to His church.

This section ends the way it started: Jesus is Lord. This
governs the ?spiritual.? Now we see that Christ?s
Lordship is not a feeling or mouthing words but is expressed
in written form. To say ?the Spirit led me? when you
violate His written Word is to be greatly deceived by another
spirit or the pride of your own mind.

The safeguard. God has given us a criteria for believing
or disbelieving someone?s claim to be a prophet or spiritual.
If that person ignores the written rules of the Lord, then he
is to be ignored in his claim (14:38).

Conclusion. The assembly was being abused by the Corinthians
due to misguided zeal and ignorance. But Paul does not do away
with the free expression of gift by all brethren (14:26,
39). Rather, he insists upon decent order under the Lordship
of Jesus Christ (14:40).

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