
Knowing that Our Triune God Created Everything

God, in all three persons, created everything. Anything that exists owes existence to God.

  • The Lord alone made all things (Isaiah 44:24)
  • There is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things (1 Cor 8:6)
  • All the hosts of heaven made by the word and by the breath [Spirit] of His mouth. (Psalm 33:6)

These passages show us that God, in all three persons, made physical stuff AND spiritual beings.

We also know that God didn’t have to do this. He wasn’t forced by necessity or something lacking in the Godhead. He freely decided to do this and shared his nature through that creation.

  • Man and Woman are a picture of God (Gen 1:26-27)
  • The stars declare God’s glory (Psalm 19:1-6)
  • Creation reveals God’s invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity (Rom 1:20)

Go outside on a clear dark night. Or Stand on a high mountain and look out. Or look down while your plane is taking off. Revel in the wonder of God’s creation!

Holy, holy, holy: Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea. Holy, holy, holy: Merciful and mighty! God in three persons, blessed Trinity

christ church quotes

Early Church On Jesus’ Deity

Right up front, some of these guys are making a good point. To read the text through the lens of later theological developments winds up ignoring what the text is actually saying. So in some sense, they are (at least on the surface level) trying to be faithful to the reading of the text as it stands.

But some of them go further:  the text, they conclude, doesn’t contain any of those things that later theologians noticed. Some are quick to add some note about the importance of tradition but they do so to point out what they see as a deficiency in relying on Scripture as ones ultimate guide.

In so doing they suggest, without being explicit, that these doctrines originated in a vacuum filled only by necessity. A teaching arose, a response had to be formulated, a doctrine was created. But, it wasn’t Christ’s Deity ex nihilo and I think history proves that. The teaching arose and was recognized as aberrant exactly because there was something substantial already in place.

If you recall, the council of Nicaea was in 325 AD. But jumping solely to Nicaea leaves one ignoring years choc-full of declaring Christ as the Divine God.

So here’s a sampling of early church writings I’ve found that underscored the understanding that Christ is God.

christ quotes

Jesus, God and the Gospel of Men

The idea reads something like this: obviously, the Church at Nicaea believed Jesus was the Son of God in terms of deity, but the authors of the Bible didn’t think in that category. They believed Jesus to be Son of God in terms of Israel’s King. Theology progressed—that is unsurprising; but first and foremost the Gospel is a presentation of Jesus as Israel’s King.

Here’s a few quotes that bear markings of the proposition above. Some outright deny the claim that Jesus is God and should not be taken as representative of Christianity.

rey's a point

Tweet Blog 1: Man Shouting

Reality resounds and remains by God’s say so; yet, like drunks dancing on thin ice, Men are the only creatures who presume to drown out His Divine utterances with their incoherent babble.

godhead spirit

The Holy Spirit

Every Christian knows about the Holy Spirit. He’s the guy who helps you preach, right? Or maybe, he’s the guy that wakes you up at night so you can feel lousy about the Cheesecake you had during your promised fasting period? Or is he the guy who teaches you how to pray? Every Christian really knows who the Holy Spirit is, right?