
Wanted: Shepherds For The Sheep

Samuel Ridout

Where are the pastors today? No time for visiting? Too busy? The
wolves are busy scattering the sheep; divisions and worldliness press on every hand.
Compromise, neglect of Christ?s interests, disregard of His honor ? all these
are present; where are the pastors today? The Church has all the gifts; there are
brilliant orators, scholarly teachers; good men and true. There are schools and colleges;
education can be gained by any desiring it. Surely the Lord has not forgotten the need of
His people, nor is He indifferent when He sees them scattered as sheep without a shepherd.
Where are the pastors today?

The Gift of Teaching in the Church of God

Samuel Ridout

It need hardly be said that this gift is one of greatest importance in
the Church, and a rapid glance at its characteristics will be helpful. The gift of teacher
is closely connected with that of pastor; both have to do more specifically with the
saints, though all the gifts are “knit together”. And He Himself gave some to
be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11).
tender, firm heart and aptness to teach are most helpful in the evangelist. But his is
necessarily the initial work, followed by the pastor and teacher in the care for and
upbuilding of the flock of God.

calvinism godhead spirit the father

The Holy God

Steve Hulshizer

What comes to mind when we think of the word holy? Dictionaries
have great difficulty attempting to define it. Usually it is associated with divinity, but
never really defined. Of course the religious world makes great use of the word, but as
with many Biblical words they are but part of their jargon and empty ritual.

current affairs human

Contentment &?A Rarity In a Materialistic Culture

Norman B. Harrison,W.E. Vine, Samuel Ridout. With comments by Bob Gessner

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content(Phil. 4:11). And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content (1 Tim. 6:8). Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb.13:5).


Godly Sorrow

by David Logan

“There’s a snake!” My sister’s words were urgent as our family chatted in the living room of our African home. We followed her gaze and with a cold chill recognized an adult spitting cobra under one of the chairs.? Immediately all conversation ceased and other activity halted until we had removed the danger from our home. That same urgency to deal with something exceedingly harmful should characterize our first response to sin in our lives when convicted by God.