This post is home to my study in Romans.
Introduction: Romans, where God, the Defendant, is Justified. Overview of the main theme of the book.
- Slave of Christ (pt 2) A bit about the Author, the mouth of the Defense.
- Son of God with Power: The Defense’s Pre-amble. Reading the text with understanding.
- Living by Faith: The Defense’s Main Point in justifying God introduced and reading the text by looking at the historical reference of the passage.
- Progression of Rejection: God’s wrath on the unrighteous heathen defended and reading the text by looking at the progression of thought.
- Being a Good Person: God’s wrath on the moralist defended while examining the progressive nature of the argument
- The Jews’ Treachery: God’s wrath on the Jew and looking at how a text can be misappropriated
- Crime and Poetry: God’s right to judge defended and an introduction to the exegesis of poetic passages.
- To Rhyme or Not To Rhyme: Poetic passages and the danger of interpreting them as not being poetry simultaneously damning infants to hell and God being glorified for it.
- Man’s Doom and God’s Answer: The Defense’s summation of God’s right to judge sinful man and the introduction to the working power of salvation for men reflecting God’s righteousness defended when he justifies sinners.
- What is faith according to Romans 4?
- Case Law: Established case of God declaring righteous through faith instead of by works
- Case Law and the Gentiles: how the Law in Romans 4 is not violated.
- Effective Belief: The Defense’s culmination of the first line of defense. God’s right to judge stands as does his love in declaring a sinner righteous.(Romans 5:1-11)
- Rejoice in Tribulation: an exegetical response to a limitation on tribulation in Romans 5:3
- Justification’s Hole: God’s righteousness in the mind introduced (Rom 5b)
- Adam and Us: a look at concepts of Adam’s headship over humanity.
- Federal Headship vs. Covenant Solidarity: a look at “All Sinned”
- Reckon Yourself Dead (Romans 6): God’s legal ruling and the ability to live thereof
- The Dilema of Law (Romans 7): The inability of man to live righteously beneath the Law…no matter what legal ruling.
- The Dawning Future in the Present of the individual.
- The Surpassing of Law (Romans 8 ): The Spiritual work that operates at a higher level than law.
- An Overview of the Series to date: Patterns, themes and what not
- Back to the Study: Looking at the method
- The Problem of the Jews (Romans 9): An introduction to the historical defense of why the Jews do not believe
- God’s Word Stands (Romans 9:1-9): A Survey of Jewish History and God’s promise of a seed.
- The Reason Why God’s Word Stands (Romans 9:10-15)
- Mercy versus Harden (Romans 9:16-18)
- No Mercy for the Non-Elect? What is Romans 9 actually argueing about, anyway?
- Potter and the Clay (Part 1 of 3) Romans 9
- Potter Works the Clay (Part 2 of 3) Romans 9
- The Potter’s Clay (Part 3 of 3) Romans 9
- Righteousness Unattained Romans 9 and 10
- God’s Undiluted Salvation : reflecting Paul’s pure gospel that is meant for the unsaved (Romans 10)
- Why is Israel Not Saved? (Part 1 of 5)
- Why is Israel Not Saved? (Part 2 of 5)
- Why is Israel Not Saved? (Part 3 of 5)
- Why is Israel Not Saved? (Part 4 of 5)
- Why is Israel Not Saved? (Part 5 of 5)
- The Olive Tree: Corporate Branches (Romans 11)
- The Olive Tree: A Future for Israel (Romans 11)
- The Olive Tree: Israel’s Identity (Romans 11)
- The Olive Tree: One Salvation (Romans 11)
- Living Sacrifices
- Measure of Faith Revealed
- Measure of Faith in the Body
- Measure of Faith with Enemies
- Measure of Faith Toward the Government
- Measure of Faith with the Doubtful
- Measure of Faith in Convictions
- Measure of Faith in Gentile Hands
Related to the Series
- Linking Up To the Roman Road
- Which Part Got Crucified (Romans 6 – more a meditation than part of the series)
- Imputed Righteousness of Christ/God?
- The Gospel Equalizer as a cure to cynicism.
- New Perspective on Paul Reading List
- Christian Ideals and the Reality of Sin
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The book of Romans is one of my favorite books, next to the book of Jude. I especially like chapter eight. There is therfore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
[…] get me wrong: I’ve done hard work in the text. I’ve got an idea of the thought-flow. I have some fifty posts on Romans—and those are just the ones I’ve taken a chance to organize and post online! But there are some […]