Posts by category
- Category: acts
- The Fact of False Teachers
- Increase Not Decrease: Joy In God-Given Vocation
- Increase Not Decrease: God Grants the Role
- Modern Prophetic Fallibility
- Teaching Children The Gospel and Moral Responsibility
- Confusing Baptism with Circumcision in Colossians 2
- Who Are You?
- What Sort Of Teacher Am I?
- The Measure of Faith in Gentile Hands
- The Measure of Faith in Convictions
- The Measure of Faith with the Doubtful
- The Measure of Faith with Enemies
- Living Sacrifices
- I Urge You
- The Hinge of Romans 12:1
- Kicking Against The Goad
- Category: angels
- Category: apologetics
- A Sad Comparison of Death in The United States
- How People Are Allured By False Teaching
- How The Bible Really Talks About Fellowship
- Nye versus Ham: Creation, Evolution, and Where the True Debate Lies
- Philosophy Fridays: Jewish Humans vs the Authority of the State
- Increase Not Decrease: Examining John 3:30
- Philosophy Fridays: ANA Culture In Hindsight
- Satire Series
- Spontaneous, Natural, Physical Resurrection
- Christ Didn’t Die For All: He Died For Paul
- Ah, Gehenna: Rey Didn’t Start The Fire
- What About Hell I Don’t Know
- Hell? Yeah.
- Hell? No?
- Tweet Blog: Belief Badge
- Kenotic Arianism
- Was Jesus Upset About Santa? (Just Like You)
- Quotables: Martin Luther on Inerrancy
- The Author to the Hebrews vs. Kenotic Arian View of Scripture
- Euthyphro, Accommodation and The Good
- John (Rather Christ) on Presuppositions
- Doctrine for Everybody: On Revelation and Authority
- Doctrine For Everybody: On Doctrine
- Series: On Icons
- Philosophy Fridays: Who Am I?
- To Train Up A Child: An Examination of the Pearl Method
- What’s The Deal With Lying?
- Progressively Sneaky Terminology
- John Frame on Homeschooling
- Aunt Matilda, Cake, And Theology
- Selective Quoting of Bavinck
- It’s A Trap!
- Philosophy Fridays: Are You There?
- Philosophy Fridays: Am I Here?
- Shadows and Not Typology in Colossians 2:17
- Is There A Covenant of Works?
- Public vs. Private and Moral Superiority
- How Cell Phones, Clothing and Movies Can Be Used For the Gospel
- A Response To Print Bible Only-ists
- Theological Load Bearing Words
- Living The Gospel: 1 Corinthians MP3’s
- Theological Necessity of a Physical Resurrection
- Why I Think Our Words Matter
- The Possibility Of A Resurrection
- You Believe That ‘Cause…
- The True and Perfect Word
- Slavery and Inerrancy
- Jesus the Logician Backup
- Chicken and the Gospel
- Begging Which Question?
- Calvinism Illustrated
- Should You Pass on Bad Reports?
- I’m Christian Enough to Get Annoyed By You
- When Did the Son of God exist?
- Ancient Tablet Proves Jesus Wrong?
- Is War Biblical?
- Scripture That Never Prove Your Point
- The Gospel: The Great Equalizer
- Words That Don’t Prove A Thing
- Based on a True Story
- Dressing Up For Church?
- Christian Sci-Fi: The True Myth
- Stump The Chump: Genesis Days
- Do The Evolution
- Dangerous Fundamentalism?
- Christian Blasphemy?
- Stump The Chump 01
- Warren vs. Harris: Christianity vs. Atheism
- God Made Me This Way: How Is It Sin?
- Potter Works The Clay (part 2) Romans 9
- No Mercy For the Non-Elect? Romans 9
- XXII-Romans: Mercy vs. Harden -tmp(Rom 9:16-18)
- XXI. Romans: Why God’s Word Stands -tmp(Rom 9:10-15)
- XX. Romans: God’s Word Stands -tmp(Rom 9:3-9)
- XIX. Romans: The Problem of the Jews (Rom 9:1-2)
- Thanksgiving Day: Why Do We Do It
- Allow Some Alls to Mean All
- Should A Christian Observe Halloween?
- Autism, Television and A Christian’s Responsibility
- How Many Angels Can Dance on the Head of A Pin
- Rey, BaptistFire and the Reformed Faith
- Theology Program: Reinventing Jesus
- Dispensationalists, D-Day and Dragons
- Berkeley’s Missing Link?
- Lingamish and the Fallacy Files
- Election: Individual, Corporate, What?
- The Way Paint Fumes Effects Concepts of Election
- Theologica’s Ordered Decrees Response on Infralapsarianism
- The Universe Next Door (Sire)
- Mary’s Virginity vs. Marriage Sex -tmp(1 Cor 7:1-9)
- Anti-Intellectualism: An Explanation
- What Do Anti-?Anti-Intellectualism?ists Want?
- Worshipping On Mountains
- The ‘Jesus the Logician’ Project:John 6:63-65
- Why Did Jesus Have To Die
- Surpassing Mediocrity
- Are you judging me? (Part 2)
- Are you judging me? (Part 1)
- The Observance of the Lord’s Day
- Category: arminianism
- Category: audio
- Category: blogspotting
- Christian Carnival 2012: November Issue
- Christian Carnival: Mad Light Edition
- Christian Carnival 379: Summer Movie Dreaming Edition
- Christian Carnival 360: End of the Decade Edition
- Christian Carnival is UP at Fish and Cans
- Christian Carnival is up at Thinking In Christ
- Easter Blogging
- Christian Carnival 318 is UP
- Christian Carnival 317 is UP
- Christian Carnival 313 is UP
- Christian Carnival 312 is up
- Guest Blog: The Crux (1 of 5)
- Christian Carnival 310 is UP
- Christian Carnival: Happy New Year!
- Christian Carnival 307 Is UP
- Christian Carnival 304 and 305 are Up
- Christian Carnival is Up!
- Christian Carnival 299 is UP
- Christian Carnival 298
- Christian Carnival 297 is UP
- Christian Carnival 296 is Up
- Christian Carnival 295 is Up
- Christian Carnival 291 is Up
- Christian Carnival 290 is Up!
- Christian Carnival 289 Is Up
- Christian Carnival is UP
- Christian Carnival 286 is Up
- Christian Carnival 284 is Up At Parableman
- Christian Carnival 282.
- The Christian Carnival CCLXXX is Up
- Christian Carnival 279 is UP
- Christian Carnival 276 is Up
- Christian Carnvial 275 is Up
- Christian Carnival 274 is Up
- Christian Carnival 273 Is Up
- Christian Carnival Up at Fish and Cans
- Christian Carnival 269 (CCLXIX): The Lord of the Rings Edition
- Christian Carnival Posts
- Christian Carnival 267 is Up
- Christian Carnival CCLXVI is Up
- Christian Carnival CCLXIII
- Guest Blogger Marv : The Thousand Year Itch
- Calvin Resurrected; Claims to be 3 and 1/2 Point Calvinist
- Pentecost In A New Key by Phil James
- Codex Sinaiticus Online
- A Chance For Rey To Win
- Christian Carnival at Parableman
- Tim Challies is A Criminal
- Christian Carnival: The Sorting Hat Edition
- Christian Carnival Announcement
- Christian Carnival 175 is Up At The Bible Archive
- Why You’re Here
- Rey’s Wacky Comments Section
- Say It With Me: Propitiation
- Been Around the Blogs: Yeah Yeah Yeah
- Christian Carnival 136 at Parableman
- Lingamish and The Bible Puzzlers
- A Couple of Carnivals
- I Would Rather Die…
- Linking Policy
- Round The Sphere
- Chistian Carnival 127: Voltron Edition
- Christian Carnival at Parableman
- Slate’s David Plotz Reads the Bible
- Retro, Metro, Heteros
- Christian Carnival LXXVII: Jedi Edition
- A Brief History in Blogging
- Category: brethren
- Church Discipline: What Does the Bible Say About It?
- “Spirit” Led Leadership
- Historical Brethren Documents
- Plymouth Brethren People: F.F. Bruce
- Assumptions For A New Testament Church
- 10-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 09-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 08-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 07-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 06-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 05-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 04-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 03-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 02-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- 01-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)
- Liveblogging Shepherding Conference 2006: Greenwood Hills
- Bible Study Heritage
- Reassembling The Assembly
- ANNA ?Meditations – Luke 2:25-38
- Category: calvinism
- Category: christ
- Things Are Actually Better
- Christ Rose from the Grave and Everything Changed
- Corinth: Thought Model For Dealing With Church Problems
- Crucified With Christ Graphic
- An Open Letter to My Children: Should Christians Support {Blank} Marriage?
- The Deity of Christ In the Synoptic Writers
- Paul on the Deity of Christ
- John On the Deity of Christ
- Early Church On Jesus’ Deity
- Jesus, God and the Gospel of Men
- How To Prepare For Change
- King Jesus Over Us
- Jesus: A King Who Conquers
- Jesus And His Kingdom
- Jesus: The Revealed King
- Jesus: A King by Birth
- Jesus: A Necessary King
- Jesus: King of Righteousness
- Psalm 110 Prezi
- Increase Not Decrease: Man Receives From God
- Infographic on 1 Corinthians 2:2
- Philosophy Fridays: Did Jesus Fear?
- Christ in Psalm 110 Infographic
- An Honest Atonement That Worked
- Quotables: Christ and OT Scriptures
- Getting Tense With Hebrews 1
- Prayer Mondays: An Advent Prayer
- Head Confusion
- Glory Unstopped
- Glory Unveiled On The Cross
- Flash of Glory in Cana
- Considering Flashes of Glory
- Prayer Mondays: Our Lord
- Nativitas
- Against the Divine ‘Attaboy
- Not Us
- Resurrection Ideas Have Consequences
- Jesus Christ Our Lord Series
- When Was Jesus Crucified?
- How Is Jesus The Son of God?
- The Work of the Church
- Thomas’ Lonely Week
- The Melchizedek Tradition by Horton
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Eighth Day
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Saturday
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Friday
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Thursday
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Wednesday
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Tuesday
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Monday
- Thomas’ Lonely Week: Sunday
- Psalm 110, Melchizedek, Priesthoods and the Revealed Messiah
- Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?
- The Humiliation of Death
- Jesus Christ Our Lord is Preeminent
- Jesus Christ Our Lord Has A Name
- Jesus Christ Our Lord is Mediator
- Becoming All Things To All Men (1 Cor 9)
- Jesus Christ Our Lord is King
- Jesus Christ Our Lord is God Incarnate
- A Literary View of John 3:14-16
- Adam in the Bible (Genesis)
- Trial -tmp(Gen 3:9-13)
- Cultivator’s Wife -tmp(Genesis 2:18-25)
- The Point of Genesis 1 -tmp(Gen 1)
- My Kingdom Would Fight–How?
- Clinging to the Cross of Christ
- Jesus On The Cross
- The Lord Broke the Bread
- Jesus Cleared The Temple
- Jesus Wept On Palm Sunday
- Chronology of the Passion Week
- The Riches in Christ 12 – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
- The Riches in Christ 11 – Trust and Obey
- The Riches in Christ – 10 Big Promises
- The Riches in Christ – 09 Streets of Gold
- The Riches in Chirst -08 Eternal God Became Flesh
- The Riches in Christ -07: The Virign Conceives
- The Riches in Christ – 06
- The Riches in Christ – 05 The Holy Spirity Translates
- Remembering
- The Riches in Christ – 04 Nearer Still Nearer
- The Riches in Christ – 03 Immanuels Land
- The Gospel of God – Christ Crucified
- The Riches in Christ – 02
- The Gospel of Christ: The Performance
- The Gospel of Christ: The Person
- The Gospel of Christ: The Problem
- Types of Christ in the OT: Aaron
- The Person of Christ As Revealed in the Gospel of Matthew
- Jesus In the Midst
- Precious Moments
- Christ As The Burnt Offering
- The Promise, the Prospect, and the Period
- Bold For Christ
- The True Vine
- A Defense of the Eternal Sonship of Christ
- Category: church
- Do Not Outsource Watchfulness Against Dangerous Teaching
- Are There Good Reasons to Divide A Local Church?
- The Great Resignation of the Local Church: A Review of the Pandemic and The Enduring Culture of Change
- Causes of Division in the Church
- How to Kill A Church, Specifically, An Open Brethren Assembly
- Obedience to the Word of God: What It Looks Like
- How To Give Your Testimony: A Primer for Christians
- Biblical Requirements and Responsibilities of Deacons in the Church
- Should Christians Anoint the Sick With Oil?
- Should I Raise My Hands In Church (And Other Questions)
- Sometimes, It Really Is Persecution
- What Kind of Music Should You Use In Your Church?
- When Our Situations Trump God
- What Is God’s Will For My Life (and Yours)
- How To Become A Carnal Christian
- Diagnosing and Treating Carnal Christians
- The True Marks of the Spiritual Man or Woman
- Must Churches Have Small Groups (A Small Groups Ministry for Growth, Discipleship and Fellowship)?
- Three Levels Contra Practicing “Freedom” in 1 Cor 8-10
- A Look At Balaam
- Guestblogger: Xulon on Ethics, Law and the Sabbath
- The Sabbath in the New Testament (4 of 4)
- The Ten Commandments Are Done Away With The Law Of Moses (3 of 4)
- Bird’s Eye View Of Promises
- Prayer Mondays: George Mueller
- Local Leaders in Community
- Guest Blog: The Crux (Series Page)
- Guest Blog: The Crux (5 of 5)
- Guest Blog: The Crux (4 of 5)
- On Icons: The Second Commandment
- On Icons: The Christological Argument
- On Icons: A Response to Some Arguments
- …But Christians Are Something New
- Immigration, Christian Rulers and Their Responsibility
- Reasons For Civil Disobedience
- Prayer Monday 3 – Clement of Rome
- Prayer Mondays 2
- Prayer Mondays 1
- Preaching/Teaching/Speaking Poll
- Each One Has
- Church vs. One of the Great Enemies
- Church and Defeating the ‘Hi and Fine’
- Church 102 – A Further Step Forward
- Church 101 – The Basics
- Should Christians Vote?
- The Once And Future Church
- Is Campus Crusade A Local Church?
- Examples of The Crippled Church
- The Crippling of the Local Church
- What Does The Church Look Like?
- The Goal of the Church Tied to The New Testament
- Assuming Assumptions
- The Unspoken Assumption: New Testament Principles?
- The Beat of Just One Drum: Music in Church
- Angry Test Post
- Perfect Pitch in a Relative Group
- What’s Your Eschatology?
- The Measure of Faith Toward the Government
- The Measure of Faith in the Body
- The Measure of Faith Revealed
- The Olive Tree and One Salvation (Part 4 of 4) Romans 11
- The Olive Tree and Israel’s Identity (Part 3 of 4) Romans 11
- The Olive Tree: A Future For Israel (Part 2 of 4) Romans 11
- Corporate Branches of the Olive Tree (Part 1 of 4) Romans 11
- Reflecting On Reformation Day
- Churches, Denominations and the Cultural Divide
- The Responsibility of Family Blogging
- Why Lawn (and Church) Work Doesn’t End
- Jell-O Christians Standing on the Promises of God
- Shepherd’s Burden
- Remember Your Baptism -tmp(Rom 6:1-11)
- The Error of Infant Baptism
- On Marriage For Robert
- Baptism and Big Problems
- Baptism of Linkage
- Links On Marriage
- The Current State of Cooking
- Heresy Comes Softly
- …Lest Your Prayers Be Hindered
- So are you saying that you need to be smart to be a Christian?
- …And be not Bitter Towards Them
- Husbands Love Your Wives
- Eternal Life and Un-Limited Labor
- Whats Gods Will When No One Agrees
- Knowing Gods Will in the Work
- Pleading With God on Behalf of the Next Generation
- Evolution of the Altar 5: Carelessness towards the Altar
- Knowing the Will of God
- Evolution of the Altar 4: Choice
- Evolution of the Altar 3: Convenience
- Evolution of the Altar 2: Commanded Not
- Evolution of the Altar 1: Commandment
- The Epistolic Thought Flow and Church Relationships
- Trying Church Out for Size (Response to IreneQs Post)
- Comfort One Another
- The Prayer in face of tribulation
- Corporate Worship
- The Chronicles of the Disciples Walk
- Hasting Unto What?
- Spiritual Weight Watchers
- The Scandal of the Catholic Priesthood (2 of 2)
- The Scandal of the Catholic Priesthood (1 of 2)
- Two Essentials for Shepherds
- The Shepherd And His Staff
- A Distinguishing Characteristic of a True New Testament Church
- Dangers in Leadership
- Pauls Exhortations to Timothy
- Little Church Members
- The Christian Family
- Taking Things Patiently
- Directions for Young Christians
- A Distinguishing Characteristic Of A True New Testament Church
- Who Then is Wise?
- Wanted: Shepherds For The Sheep
- Godly Sorrow
- A Tale Of Two Churches
- Hold Fast…Sound Words
- Godly Shepherds and Obedient Sheep
- Marks Of A Spiritual Man
- Living on the Edge
- The Importance of New Testament Church Principles
- Evangelists and Evangelism
- Hollywood Weights by Milk And Honey
- Commitment or Convenience?
- The Danger Of Being Gifted
- Giving
- Praying For The Sick
- The Gracious Editorial Ministry of God
- Are We Asleep At A Critical Hour?
- Category: current affairs
- Who Should I Vote For?
- Retrospective Lessons From Four Hard Teachings
- Did Nye and Ham Really Debate Creation?
- Rainbows, Promises, and Holiness
- Should Christians Support Guns?
- What Christians Should Know (And Do) About the Gosnell Case
- Should Christians Rejoice Over The Death of the Wicked?
- Abortion as the Lesser Evil
- My Summarizing Thoughts on Illegal Immigration
- An Immigration Thought Model
- Immigration’s Tough Questions
- The Schooling Series
- Jonah “All Your Anglicans Are Belong To Us”?
- Who Should Be Watching Watchmen
- How Should A Christian Act Under A President (or any Candidate) He Didn’t Want?
- Funny Guys: Obama and McCain
- Jeremy Pierce, Barack Obama and Abortion
- In Memory of Maria Sue Chapman
- Bill MacDonald Goes Home to the Lord
- Ruth Graham Goes To The Lord
- Credit Reports, Fraud and The Christmas Season
- Kara Borden, Death and the Impact on Lives
- Gamepro, The Matrix and the Gospel
- ESV Lovers Unite (and Answer Me or Wayne)
- Todays Bible news
- A Political Rant, Sort Of
- Contentment &?A Rarity In a Materialistic Culture
- Category: daniel
- Category: dispensationalism
- Philosophy Friday Tweet Blog: Distinct Being
- Excluded Seed And Abraham
- Keeping Promises To Abraham In The OT
- Making Promises to Abraham
- Guest Blog: The Crux (3 of 5)
- Guest Blog: The Crux (2 of 5)
- Abraham: The Hinge Point of Genesis
- Thematic Patterns in Genesis
- Words and Romans
- Hermeneutics and Judah’s Scepter
- Keyser Soze, Gandalf and the Uniying Principle
- Making A Literal Mess of Things
- What About The Big Author?
- Motivating Factors
- Tribunal Decision -tmp(Gen 3:14-24)
- Distinguishing between Israel and the Church
- Category: eschatology
- Quotables: Douglas Moo on the Rapture
- Philosophy Fridays: No May21st = No God?
- When Is The Rapture?
- What Is The Rapture?
- Prayer Mondays: Come
- A Hellish Week
- Get The Gehenna Out of Here?
- What the Sheol?
- Quotables: Irenaeus On The Real Heaven and Hell
- Philosophy Fridays: Hell? Oh!
- Single-Purpose Letter Writing?
- A Dawning Future and Romans 7
- Timetables of Prophecy
- Category: genesis
- Category: godhead
- Knowing that Our Triune God Doesn’t Change
- Knowing That We Approach God His Way
- Knowing that Our Triune God Is Good
- Knowing the Triune God in Relationship
- Knowing that The Triune God Needs Nothing
- Knowing That God, In All Three Persons, Is Love and Holy and…
- Knowing That God Is Right in His Self-Revelation As Triune
- Knowing that God is Three in One
- Knowing that God is A Plurality
- Knowing that God is the Only God
- God Makes Himself Known
- Knowing that God Exists
- Knowing God
- God’s Rights Set Aside
- God Has Rights
- Reading List On Molinism
- Prayer Mondays: Trinity Sunday
- Philosophy Fridays: Is God Timeless?
- The Holy Spirit
- Why “No-Illustrations of the Trinity” Is Faulty
- A Tale of Two Creation Accounts -tmp(Gen 2:4)
- The Genesis -tmp(Gen 1:1)
- Theolo-Lunch: Trinitarianism and the Imago Dei
- God’s Plan B?
- God’s Awesome Plan of Salvation (Ephesians 2)
- The Triune God
- God Our Resource
- Category: hermeneutics
- What Is Faith (According to The Bible)?
- When Is A Door Not A Door?
- Tweet Blog: New Perspectives
- On Examining A Story
- Philosophy Friday: A Conversation on Interpretation
- Guest Blog:Source Catfish Criticism and the Rey Text
- Guest Blog: Form Criticism and Catfish
- Guest Blog: Higher Criticism and Catfish for the Rest of Us
- Should One Interpret Scripture?
- Category: history
- What’s Wrong With the KJV (or Other Bible Versions)?
- Quotables: Against Matthew Vine’s (And Boswell’s) Exegesis of Genesis 19
- Major Themes of Scripture
- Tweet Blog: The Left At Albuquerque
- Prayer Mondays: Memorial Day
- Memorial Days and A Promised Non-Memorial
- Prayer Mondays: St. Thomas
- Prayer Mondays: St. Francis of Assisi
- Learning Lessons At The Doors Of Canaan
- Prayer Mondays: Dr. Randolph Nugent
- Timeline of Israel
- Prayer Monday: Hannah
- Prayer Mondays 4
- Christians, Immigration, and the Law
- The Preached Gospel and the Resurrection
- Bad Friday
- Noah and the Genesis 6-9 Story
- A Cultivator -tmp(Genesis 2)
- Cultivation -tmp(Genesis 2:5)
- 95 Theses
- The Cult of Intellectualism
- Category: human
- What Should Christians Teach on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage?
- Sex Without Strings: A Theological View of Vasectomies
- Is Man Body, Soul and Spirit?
- Be Careful With Kisses
- Belated Response to the Declaration of Independence
- Christians, Marriage, and The Current Debate
- Quotables: Morality of The Marriage Act
- How To Save Money Right Now
- Shock and Awe: Observing Fear
- Philosophy Fridays: What’s The Point?
- Philosophy Fridays: Libertarian Free Will
- Teaching Children Respect for God’s Image: VBS Reformulation
- Teaching Children the Value of Humans: VBS Reformulation
- Ethics Beyond Duty (1 of 4)
- Prayer Monday: Luther
- Christian Ideals and the Reality of Sin
- Embracing Human Conscience
- What Is The Point of Schooling?
- Who Is A Person?
- Being A Student (John 8)
- Cyber-Psalm
- Luther, the Jews and Christian Dirty Laundry
- Richard Dawkins: The God Shaped Hole
- Cain’s Judgment -tmp(Genesis 4)
- Current Questions -tmp(Genesis 4)
- Question on the Perception of Impropriety
- Trip to the Tree: The Fall -tmp(Gen 3:6-7)
- Measure in Love (Movies Reviewed)
- Temptation: Analysis of a Deception -tmp(Gen 3:1-5)
- Culmination -tmp(Gen 2)
- Creation’s Custodian
- Animal-Human Hybrids
- Lots Choice
- Category: israel
- Prayer Mondays: Solomon
- A Bird’s Eye View and Numbers 20-25
- Corporate Identity in The Pentateuch
- You Best Represent: Testing at Meribah
- The Law of Moses Has Been Done Away With (2 of 4)
- 5 Points For Our Learning From Numbers
- The Non-Violated Law of Romans 4:15
- Unsaved Israel: Why? (Part 4 of 5)
- Unsaved Israel: Why? (Part 5 of 5)
- Unsaved Israel: Why? (Part 3 of 5)
- Unsaved Israel: Why? (Part 2 of 5)
- Righteousness Unattained
- The Potter’s Clay (Part 3)
- Potter and the Clay (Part 1) Romans 9
- The Jewish Calendar
- The Jewish Calendar Questions
- Category: jokes
- Category: liveblog
- Category: Meditations
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Awesome and Wonderful
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Jealous
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Kind
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Peace
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Patient
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Just
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Faithful
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Truth
- Knowing That Our Triune God Feels Yet Doesn’t Change
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Eternal
- Knowing that Our Triune God Created Everything
- Knowing that God, In All Three Persons, Is Sovereign
- Knowing the Triune God Who is Spirit and Can Access Anywhere
- Knowing that Our Triune God is All Powerful
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Wise
- Knowing that Our Triune God Knows Everything
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Love
- Category: metas & memes
- Christian Carnival 453
- Christian Carnival Coming to the Bible Archive
- Christian Carnival 423 (Maybe)
- Christian Carnival
- Christian Carnival 408
- Christian Carnival 350: The Best Sequels Edition
- Christian Carnival 344
- Christian Carnival 338 is Up
- Christian Carnival is UP at As She Went Out
- Christian Carnival 324 is up
- Christian Carnival is Up
- Christian Carnival 319 is Up
- Christian Carnival 315 is Up
- Christian Carnival 314 is UP
- Christian Carnival 303 is Up
- Christian Carnival 302 is UP
- Christian Carnival 302 is UP
- 20 Reasons Why I Love Being An Evangelical
- Christian Carnival XXLXXVIII is UP
- Christian Carnival CCLX is Up
- Christian Carnival is Up
- Christian Carnival 250 at Brain Cramps
- Christian Carnival is Up at Fish and Cans
- Christian Carnival Is Up
- Christian Carnival 245
- Christian Carnival is UP
- Christian Carnvial is Up at Thinking Christian
- Christian Carnival
- Christian Carnival
- Christian Carnival 225 is up
- Christian Carnival CCXVIII At Kiwi and an Emu
- Christian Canival 212
- Christian Carnival: Valentines Day 2008
- Christian Carnival 165
- What Kind of Reader Are You?
- Christian Carnival LXXVII: Jedi Edition
- Category: personal
- A Tiny Portion of the Legacy of David Reid
- 12 Drummers Drumming Awful Christmas Songs
- Someone Doesn’t Like My Website
- Memorial Day 2008
- Speaking Hands
- New Math 2008?
- Logic is Logic
- A Plague On You
- New Addition to the Family
- Pray for Doug and Tina
- Stump The Chump: Remote
- Rey’s Baby Three
- Prayer Request: Tim Irvin
- TNIV Audio Bible
- The Perfect Bible
- Are Bugs’ Bugginess a Result of the Fall?
- My Daughter Walking
- Charts, Graphs and Thanks
- In Memorium – September 11, 2001
- Remembering Denise: A Co-Worker’s Funeral
- Eternal Perspectives Mike Makes Me Sad
- Star Wars Quiz
- Commenting and Emoticonned
- Ramblin’ and Aliens -tmp(WBT)
- Sy Asks About Jesus
- Late Saturday Rant and Links
- A Surreal Labor
- Eager Anticipation: Russ on Calvinism
- Induction Day
- Carnival Back at Dory’s
- Apple Advice
- New Poll: Today’s Darth Vader
- Mars Attacks the Archive
- Pure Unadulterated Boardroom Rant
- Interview Game: The Bloke…In The Outer
- Interview Game: Razor’s Kiss
- Verses Highlighting
- The Interview Game
- Irony
- Ignore the More than Usual Weirdness
- New Blog Welcome
- Menu Madness
- Salon du Refus
- Bible And Life
- My Nominations
- First Annual Evangelical Blog Awards
- Vox Blogoli and The Death Star
- Video Google
- The Naught Before Christmas
- It’s Christmas Time
- Web Nicks and Clicks
- Baby Dreaming
- What do I do instead of studying?
- Story Tellin?
- Time For a Random Rant
- Something Stupid…again
- Son Brag
- Bass Guitar
- Here we go
- What are your long term goals for the Bible Archive?
- What are your short term goals for the Bible Archive?
- Privacy
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- Acceptable Use Policy
- Legal Statement
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- Category: philosophy
- The Cause of Depression
- Does God Hear Sinners?
- Philosophy Fridays: Slippery Slopes
- Philosophy Fridays: Theology Constellation Infographic
- Philosophy Fridays: Is Believing God Acted, Without Evidence, Justified?
- Philosophy Fridays: Considering God in History?
- Philosophy Fridays: The God-Man?
- Philosophy Fridays Quotable: Alvin Plantinga, Evolution, and Open-Mindedness
- Philosophy Fridays: Lord of Logic
- Prayer Mondays: Advent
- God and Philosophy
- Philosophy Fridays: Free Will?
- Philosophy Friday: Consensus Today
- Philosophy Fridays: Universal Family Tree
- Philosophy Fridays: Is Time Travel Possible?
- Philosophy Fridays: Labeling Art?
- Philosophy Fridays: Is Erring Human?
- Philosophy Fridays: Why?
- Philosophy Fridays: What is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?
- Philosophy Fridays:Is the Impossible Possible?
- Philosophy Fridays: Are Numbers (etc) Real?
- Philosophy Fridays: What’s Philosophy Good For?
- Category: pray
- Prayer Mondays: Marriage
- Prayer Mondays: Puritan Prayer 01
- Prayer Mondays: Lenten Prayer
- Prayer Mondays: Kierkegaard (3)
- Prayer Mondays: Karl Barth
- Prayer Mondays: Zechariah
- Prayer Mondays: Tough Giving Thanks
- Prayer Mondays: Ambrose 2
- Prayer Mondays: Thoreau
- Prayer Mondays Today: 9/11
- Prayer Mondays: Ancient Hymn
- Prayer Mondays: Basil The Great
- Prayer Mondays: Memorial Day 2011
- Prayer Monday on Sunday: Mother’s Day
- Prayer Mondays: BoCP on Thomas Sunday
- Prayer Mondays: St. Carson on the Resurrection
- Holy Saturday Litury of Basil The Great
- Prayer Mondays: Jeanette Threlfall on Palm Sunday
- Prayer Mondays: John Stott
- Prayer Mondays: An Unanswered Prayer
- Prayer Mondays: Lenten Prayer of Ephrem the Syrian
- Prayer Mondays: Luther on Righteousness
- Prayer Mondays: Old Christian Hymn
- Prayer Mondays: Akathist to Our Sweetest Lord
- Prayer Mondays: Rupp on Valentine’s Day
- Prayer Mondays: Wesley’s Covenant
- Prayer Mondays: The Pre-Born
- Prayer Mondays: O Holy Child of Bethlehem
- Prayer Mondays: Advent Prayer 2
- Prayer Mondays: Three November 1 Prayers
- Prayer Mondays: All Saints Day (Catholic Liturgy)
- Prayer Mondays: Kierkegaard Deux
- Prayer Mondays: St. Patrick’s Breastplate
- Prayer Mondays: Havergal
- Prayer Mondays: St Bernard of Clairvaux
- Prayer Mondays: For Our Enemies
- Prayer Mondays: Ignatius (2)
- Prayer Mondays: Marrige (BoCP)
- Prayer Mondays: St. Francis’s “Make Me an Instrument”
- Prayer Mondays: Calvin (2)
- Prayer Mondays: Julia Ward Howe
- Prayer Mondays: Pseudo-Manasseh
- Prayer Mondays: Tobit
- Prayer Mondays: Pentecost Sunday
- Prayer Mondays: Mother’s Day
- Prayer Mondays: For the Human Family
- Prayer Mondays: Yeats
- Prayer Mondays: Athanasius’ Friend
- Prayer Mondays: Easter
- Prayer Mondays: St. Ephraim
- Ancient Prayers: Daniel
- Prayer Mondays: Calvin
- Ancient Prayers: Pope Pius VI
- Prayer Mondays–Barth
- Ancient Prayers–Hilary of Poitiers
- Prayer Mondays: Polycarp
- Prayer Mondays: Ignatius
- Prayer Mondays: Robert Louis Stevenson
- Prayer Mondays–Kierkegaard
- Prayer Mondays: Irenaeus
- Prayer Mondays: Forgiveness
- Prayer Mondays: Optima Elders
- Prayer Mondays: Divine Liturgy of James
- Prayer Mondays: Licinius
- Prayer Mondays: Syrian Clementine
- Prayer Monday: Paul
- Prayer Mondays 6 (Ambrose)
- Prayer Mondays 5
- Prayer Monday 5: The Lord’s Prayer
- Psalms 137: Dash the Babies?
- Christians and Curses: How Should We Pray?
- Prayer Requests: Multiple
- Prayer Request: Bethany Jasper
- Prayer Request: Bridget Eatmon
- Prayer Request: E.Hall
- Prayer Request:Darly
- Prayer Request and Thanksgiving 3/23/05
- Prayer Request: Alan Parks and Barbara Morrison
- Prayer Request: Rey’s Update
- Prayer Request: The Bloke In The Outer
- Prayer Request: PenguinBoy
- Prayer Request:
- Category: quotables
- Quotables: Warfield On The Joke of The Unmodified Carnal Nature
- Quotables: Christ is God (Hilary)
- Quotables: Lewis On Worship
- Quotables: Early Church on Sex and Marriage
- Tweet Blog: False Illumination
- Quotables: Inerrant in Faith and Practice?
- Tweet Blog: Time Wasters
- Quotables: What Is Inerrancy?
- Tweet Blog: Load-Bearing Words
- Tweet Blog: Worrisome
- Tweet Blog: Inconceivable
- Tweet Blog: Belief Biathlon
- Tweet Blog: Hindsight of History
- Quotables: Inspiration of the Original Autographs
- Did Christ Descend Into Hell—a Wayne Grudem Quotable
- Tweet Blog: False Teachers
- Quotables: The Real Problem of Inspiration
- Quotables: What Christ’s Incarnation Teaches About Inerrancy
- Quotables: The Significance of His Teaching
- Category: quotes
- Category: religion
- Category: reviews
- Good Children’s Storybook Bible
- Basic Breakdown of the Psalms: A Book Review
- New Perspective on Paul Reading List
- Presidential Debate 2008
- Church History in Plain Language By Shelley
- Teaching As Paul Taught
- Harry Potter’s Christian Themes with Spoilers
- Rey’s Reviews: Bad Twin (Troup)
- Rey’s Reviews: True To The Faith (Gooding)
- Rey’s Reviews: Christian Baptism (Gibbs)
- Rey?s Reviews: Exegetical Fallacies (Carson)
- Much Ado About Nothing (and Book Reviews)
- Revenge of the Sith w/Spoilers -tmp(WBT)
- Category: rey's a point
- The Hospitalization of Laura And Her Recovery Thus Far
- How To Be A Christian In The Modern World?
- The Best Of 2013
- ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas According to Edgar Allen Poe
- Should Christians Ever Fear or Be Afraid?
- Should I Buy A Lottery Ticket?
- The Elderly: The Final Solution
- Questioning Salvation
- Refresh
- Alot of Theological Words
- Tweet Blog 2: Sand Castles
- Tweet Blog 1: Man Shouting
- Why I Don’t Have To Hold To Inerrancy
- Teaching Kids Your Beliefs: Belief Spheres
- Arizona and Immigration
- Christian Legal Society vs. Martinez
- A Word From God
- Easy To Hate
- My E-Book On Immigration For You: Free
- Pimp My Firefox: 25 Must-Have Firefox Add-Ons
- Dispelling Disappearance Rumors
- Interview with Josias (with 2006 updates)
- Adrian Warnock: Calling All Blogdom Members!
- Announcing Voices For Christ
- Dark Confession
- Yay! Elayna Pictures
- Mary, Moms and Mayhem
- Speaking Their Language
- Calvinist Blogosphere
- Blogrollin’ Down the River
- Category: romans
- Best Commentaries For Studying Romans: Case Study
- Adam And Us: Romans 5
- Rejoice In Tribulations (Rom 5:3)
- Romans Series
- What Are The Mercies of God?
- XVIII. Romans: Back Down to Ground Level
- XVII. Romans: A Peek at Mirkwood
- XVI. The Surpassing of Law (Romans 8)
- XV.The Dilema Of Law (Romans 7)
- Study Questions for Romans 7
- XIV. Reckon Yourself Dead (Romans 6)
- XIII – Justifaction’s Hole? Romans 5
- Romans 5 Study Question
- XII Effective Belief (Romans 5)
- XI Case Law (Romans 4): Court in Session
- Romans Chapter 2-3
- Romans Chapter 1
- The Book of Romans Part 9 (3:10-18) To Rhyme or Not To Rhyme
- The Book of Romans Part 8 (3:1-9) Crime and Poetry
- The Book of Romans Part7 (2:16-3:1) The Jews Treachery
- The Book of Romans Part 6 (2:1-16) Being a Good Person
- The Book of Romans Part 5 (1:18-32) Progression of Rejection
- The Book of Romans Part 4 (1:8 – 17): Living by Faith
- The Book of Romans–Part 2 (v1-2) A Slave of Christ
- The Book of Romans–Introduction to a Study on God being Justified
- The Gospel of Christ: The Promise
- Category: salvation
- Category: scripture
- Category: series
- Category: sin
- I’ve Sinned; Now What? Eleven Reminders For Dealing with Sin
- The War Within
- Condition of Man -tmp(Genesis 4 – 6)
- Original Sin
- Which Part Got Crucified? (Romans 6)
- Romans 6 Study Question
- Depravity Wars: The Ability Duck Quacks Back
- Depraved Links and The Archive’s Death Knell
- The Old Nature and the New Birth
- Category: spirit
- Category: study
- Knowing that Our Triune God is Graciously Grace Filled
- Missing the Gospel with “The Gospel”
- Biblical Requirements And Responsibilities Of Local Church Elders
- Why Church is Important
- Essential Christianity and The Web of Christian Beliefs
- Do You Really Need To Take Notes?
- How To Take Notes
- Thinking Theologically About Taking Notes
- How Do You Use a Bible Commentary?
- How To Buy A Commentary for Bible Study
- Why You Should Use A Commentary For Bible Study
- How To Do A Word Study With Your Bible
- How To Come Up With Your Own Bible Headings
- How To Take E-Notes
- How To Do A Parallel Bible Reading
- How To Read A Bible Outside Your Comfort Zone
- How To Read An E-Bible For Studying
- Husband Of One Wife
- Doctrine for Everybody: Modes and Spheres of Revelation
- Flashes of Glory Series Home
- A Case For Dispensationalism Series
- Categorizing Colossians By Theological Buzzwords
- Prayer Mondays: Anselm
- Federal Headship vs. Corporate Solidarity in Romans 5:12
- One Story House
- Love Letters
- Reader’s Underwear
- Unwrapped Reads
- Words Are Useless
- Words Are Special
- Don’t Touch Me
- Bible Translation Notes and Links by Wayne Leman
- Genesis: Chapter Divisions
- STOP (and GO!) Method Bible Study Series
- STOP Bible Study Method on Context
- Stop Method Illustrated -tmp(Jude 1)
- Stop Method Illustrated -tmp(1 Samuel 17)
- How To Study The Word (Stop 4)
- What You Need To Study (STOP 3)
- Why Study The Bible? (STOP 2)
- A “New” Bible Study Format (STOP 1)
- Genesis Days -tmp(Gen 1)
- Why Study Genesis
- Some Study Notes On Genesis
- Here and There and Maybe Back Again
- Why Do Bad Things Happen?
- Methods of Interpretation
- Don’t Know Much About Heresy
- Genesis Lifetimes -tmp(Gen 5)
- Paul On Baptism -tmp(1 Cor 1:14-18)
- Noah and Baptism -tmp(2 Peter 3:20,21)
- Russ On Baptism
- Patience in Work -tmp(James 5:7-20)
- Russ on Encouraging Pastors
- Femme Fatales and Formidable Females
- Brethren Bustin’ Chops
- Russ on the Sovereignty of God
- Russ on Perseverance
- Baptismal Regeneration -tmp(Acts 2:38)
- Russ on Irresistible Grace
- One Baptism Versus the Many?
- Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
- Russ on Limited Atonement
- Daddy, What’s The Trinity? -tmp(WBT)
- Russ on Faith: An Addendum to Unconditional Election
- Russ on Unconditional Election
- Russ on Total Depravity
- Linking Up to the Roman Road
- The Holy Spirit’s Work and The Resurrection Hope (John 16)
- Reciprocal Love and the World’s Rancor (John 15)
- Elijah: A Pause on Ahab’s Problem
- Thanksgiving: Tulip Girl
- Prayer Request: Tulip Girl and La Sabot
- Denominations versus Divisions
- Okay…I’ll Say It…Homeschool
- Non-Systematic System of Study
- So-Called Knowledge
- Daniel Study – Overview Chart
- The Book of Romans Pt.10 (3:18-25) Mans Doom and Gods Answer
- Gleanings from John–God and Man Works
- Gleanings from John–Gods Work and Mans Response
- First John
- Outline of Titus
- Who Killed The Bible Reading?
- The Bible Translated Into English
- The Hatred of God
- Category: stump
- Category: text/language
- Category: the father
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: uplook
- Uplook Fridays: Is the Lord a Wilderness to You?
- Uplook Fridays: That Sweetening Influence
- Uplook Fridays:Worshipers in the Old Testament
- Uplook Fridays:Worshipers in the New Testament
- Uplook Fridays: The Kiss
- Uplook Fridays (on Sunday!):Between Resurrection & Ascension
- Uplook Fridays: The Triumph of the Cross
- Uplook Fridays:Fellowship at the Feast
- Uplook Fridays:The Placarding of Christ
- Uplook Fridays:Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther
- Uplook Fridays:2 Chronicles
- Uplook Fridays:1 Corinthians 11:24
- Category: worship