A list of messages that cover First and Second Timothy which were preached in Bristol Bible Chapel in 2017.

A list of messages that cover First and Second Timothy which were preached in Bristol Bible Chapel in 2017.
Sorry if the speaker sounds like an excited Kermit who makes DA Carson references.
Direct download link here.
I had preached through the book of Colossians by focusing on how Paul reorients our thinking with a renewed focus on Christ and God’s Gospel. MP3’s after the jump.
Last year I spent some time preaching through the book of Numbers with an effort at understanding the book as it stands and how we see threads of application under the Gospel.
MP3’s after the jump.
Last year I spent some time preaching through First Corinthians with an effort at pushing away from church polity and practice (First Corinthians as the model for how we “Do Church”) and underscoring the present importance of the Gospel and how it speaks into our Church experience and everyday lives.
The MP3’s are hosted at Sermon Cloud and are available after the jump.