godhead Meditations

God Makes Himself Known

We can’t know God if he didn’t first reveal himself to humanity. Even in nature, we only know about God because “God has shown it” to us (Rom 1:19). Further, because of sin, we humans have “exchanged the truth of God for a lie” (Rom 1:18, 21, 25) which means that we twist God’s self-revelation even in nature. We need God to reveal Himself.

Jesus says no one knows the Father except the Son. Jesus, both being God and being sinless, had unhindered and total understanding of the infinite God. Jesus continues to say that in addition to the son, there are also those “to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” (Matt 11:27).

Don’t be mistaken. Jesus is not saying that Christian Jane can know the Father, but Christian Tony won’t. Jesus is not saying that he implants thoughts to make us know the Father. Jesus makes the Father known through Scripture. 2 Timothy 3:16–17 proves helpful saying that God reveals perfectly, sufficiently, and usefully from Scripture.

We may never fully know the infinite, unsearchable, and unattainable depths of God (Psalms 145:3; Psalm 139: 6, 17). What can be known of God is because the Son (who is the Word) makes the Father known through the Holy Spirit (who knows the mind of God) by moving people to write (2 Pet 1:21).

This week, get to know what God says about Himself by interacting with Scripture.

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