
Trying Church Out for Size (Response to IreneQs Post)

reynaldo reynoso (admin)

In her post titled ?Trying it out for size?, IreneQ made a comment that piqued my interest. Her post has very little to do with the topic at hand, but her mentioning of the following thought is something I’ve seen across the Christian culture, that being:

?church is all about relationships (something my previous pastor has always said) and that in cell groups you get to build those relationships — and it’s those relationships which will keep you in the church and help you to feel a part of it.

He also said something like, if the church’s doctrine is sound then the method of worship and other stuff like that is really secondary. If you go to a church with sound teaching and you cannot worship there then perhaps there is something wrong with YOU and not with that church.

Now, mind you, this is out of the context of her reconciling herself to attend her church with fellow believers?something that I greatly applaud. To be reconciled with each other and continue a walk in love is fulfilling the essence of the law: ?Love your neighbor as yourself?.

That being said, I did have some problems with the statement that ?church is all about relationships? and that the method of worship is secondary to the church having a sound doctrine?.and not in a critical overbearing, self-righteous sense, but rather in an overall concern sense.

You see, this idea is the current climate of Christianity, focusing on the relationship aspect and using such exceptional verses as John 13:35 ?By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.?

Indeed, the gospel of God does result in that relationship aspect, and in a powerful way?but we must be careful in our understanding to realize that the relationship aspect is not foundational bedrock! If one were to note the flow of thought in John 13 itself, one would see the fact that Jesus washes the disciples feet and makes a potent statement about the entire person being bathed. He follows this with a prediction of his betrayal, sending Judas out to do his nasty deeds. It is after the unbeliever has been sent out that Jesus points out that the Son of Man has been glorified and God is glorified with him. Respectively, God will also glorify the son in himself. After all of this he gives them, not their only command but another command and this is that they are to love one another as He has loved them.

This love is a completely self-sacrificial love that goes beyond what other people do to the giver of this love. Take note of the fact that Jesus points out that Peter will betray Him thrice before the cock crows and the fact that Jesus KNEW this. This love that we are to have for each other transcends the relationship, it is one that finds it’s source in the very Son of Man who has glorified the Father and the Father has glorified Him.

Considering this arguement further we will next be looking at the arguement via the epistles.

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