I recently heard Don Carson recommend a children’s Bible which I immediately added to our Amazon shopping list. It is called the Jesus Storybook Bible and it is downright amazing. It tries to be faithful to the actual Biblical text while giving a unified overview of the Bible to show how it all hangs together. This isn’t the silly children’s storybooks that have some cheesy story about Adam and Eve disobeying and God being sad. The writer says that the Bible is a story about Jesus so when she tells the story of the Fall, she makes it a very sad ending but highlighting how it wasn’t the end: God did something and it was tied to Something that was coming.
Seriously, if you have kids, do yourself a favor and pick up this book.
I crossposted this on the site I created for my wife but which she doesn’t use.
2 replies on “Good Children’s Storybook Bible”
Ditto. My children like it as well as I do.
We really enjoy this one as well. We have the audio book version and the boys will listen to it through in an afternoon while playing with Legos!!