It would have been cool if this was Carnival 325: The Nicene Edition or some future carnival #381: The First Council of Constantinople edition, but this is the Christian Carnival 350: The Best Sequels Edition because it just keeps on going.
The blogs aren’t arranged in any particular order. Neither are the images which reflect some of the best sequels of all time (I dare you to name them all). But the blogs have all been read and enjoyed.
Indeed, this edition includes some newcomers and some bloggers from Carnivals, and Blogging Years, past. So enjoy!
FMF (Free Money Finance) posted a blog post that was outside the time frame for the Christian Carnival called Does the Bible Suggest Being a Millionaire Next Door. You can look for it on his site. So instead, I went onto his site and pulled A New Rule of Thumb for Renting vs. Buying.
I wasn’t sure about including this but it seems helpfule enough, so here’s Kevin Poulis with A Database Of Christian Songs and Sermons at
Scott Lencke presented Some Thoughts on the Rescuing of the Chilean Miners over at The Prodigal Thought. He says:
My words in this post are not so much about what would have been going through their minds as they awaited rescue for over 2 months, being underground since 5 August. Rather, my thoughts come in regards to the post-celebration of the event of their rescue.
Old Blogging Buddy, yet newcomer to the Christian Carnival, David Kjos offers An Hypothesis Hyperbolized at The Thirsty Theologian. What’s great about this post is that it deals with some cultural ideas about homosexuality, the arts, and what it does to our idea of manhood: which hits near to myself being an artist. Check this:
A pot-bellied couch potato with a totally awesome fantasy football team can consider himself more manly than his weird coworker who has nothing sports-related to say around the water cooler, but can quote Shakespeare.
You’ll also enjoy David’s patented quirky style of writing and thus carrying you along. Go read it. Now.
Jim Edwards ( submitted God Orders Our Steps, a post from back in June which was waaaay out of our time frame. So I went to his site and pulled On the Inside; You’re Not Growing Old
Barry Wallace presents an eye opening post over at who am i? called Blog Action Day 2010: Turning shoes into water
George “The Shoeman” Hutchings turns used shoes into water. Find out how.
Khaleef @ KNS Financial presents A most valuable lesson for every Christian to learn – Devotion posted at Faithful With A Few,
TIME comes to us, not in years, not even in weeks–but in little days. We have nothing to do with ‘life in the aggregate’ –that great bulk of duties, anxieties, struggles, trials and needs, which belong to a year or even to a month.
michelle presents It’s Been Awhile posted at And She Went Out... She asks for prayer in her God focused endeavors, but it is best to go read her entire situation.
Jim Klingenberger presents a Dream posted at Xulonjam’s Blog.I wonder if this is a vision about some future (or past) election!
Chad Gibbons gives us an awesome chart of Free New Testament Commentaries (good ones too)! posted at Chad Gibbons Blog.
loswl, INSPIKS, shares her own reflections as she spoke with her daughter in Walking Through The Valley of Despair saying: “If someone preaches blessings and prosperity in this world with no pain or no trials, RUN! Run the other way, because they are preaching another gospel, a false gospel!”
We are to tell our children, to teach them in the right way to go, to share with them Jesus, to nurture and to love and to always try to see how Jesus sees. Jesus’ arms are way bigger than yours and mine and He truly knows best.
Scott Yi submitted Daily Detumescence: Real Men posted at Sacred Raisin Cakes, saying,
Women say they want a “real man,” but what does that even mean? A look at how today’s church is treating single Christian men
claudia peralta presents Love Guitar: Your Guitar Practice Can Be Spiritual Practice posted at StringLove Guitar Lessons.
Old School Blogging Buddy and oft-contributor to the Christian Carnival of Years Past, Rebecca Stark of Rebecca Writes gives us a Book Review on the book 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible She highly recommends it so give her post a read to see why.
mem presents Genesis Types Redux posted at Cure for the Modern Cynic. What’s nice about this post is that it gives some quick hits on some types (or I like the term proto-types) in Genesis.
Char Moore presents probably the most important blog post that should be read and rightly calls it The Blog Post That Launched a Thousand Blog Posts at hey dooders. She gives some introductory thoughts on an error that has been showing up for some years now but has now managed to sift into many at the lay level.
One [error] I’m seeing crop up from several different angles is something I’ve dubbed Kenotic Arianism. Kenotic because it has to do with the nature of Christ’s lowering himself in the incarnation, and Arian because it ultimately strips him of his divinity at some point, even while it paradoxically struggles to affirm that he is God.
Seriously, I can’t stresss enough how important this post is. She talks about the two paths in this introduction, but I’m sure there is much more to deal with in future posts.
Rodney Olsen (Beyond Belief) gives us In the beginning… which includes his interview of Dr. Tas Walker on his radio show.
Jeff gives us Deeds not Creeds: The Anti-Doctrine Doctrine over at
We are now growing a generation of pastors that are utterly incapable of a biblical gospel presentation, yet they have devised a 10 point strategy to improve one’s financial security according to purportedly “biblical principles.”
Cerulean Sanctum’s Dan Edelen consistantly does a good job of calling the American Church to examine herself. In Failing the Sniff Test he says:
Christians have their own sniff test to pass, though the aroma is far more pleasing than a simple lack of BO. At least it should be. What really bugged me as I thought about this passage [2 Corinthians 2:14-17] is that I’m no longer certain if the Church in America today smells any different than the world.
Marvin Cotten gives us a delightful post called Dad, Peggy Sue and Exegesis posted at asphaleia where he goes into the hermeneutical gymnastics of a boy tryinig to get around Dad’s command BE HOME BY TEN! Watch some of the ways as he ignores the text by appealing to genre, cultural context, or focuses on timing instead of time.
Diane R presents The True Woman Manifesto….Hmmmmm posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet,
Another Christian woman’s document has come out. This blogger wishes for two things: that the word “submission” be definitively defined, and that the writers of this document remember that not every woman is married, and some may actually never be.
Joe Plemon presents Proverbs 31 Woman: Catalyst to a Rich Marriage posted at Personal Finance By The Book:
Some people have the mistaken idea that the “Biblical woman” is docile, subservient and entirely domestic. Not so!
I must say, that I really enjoy the HCSB especially in the Psalms and Proverbs, so I was really happy when Philip Carlson posted Photos of the HCSB Study Bible over at Science and Theology in Apposition. Go check it out.
Jeremy Pierce, the Parableman, has been busy (likely with midterms) and I didn’t see his usual Carnival submission, so I went to his site and grabbed his recent post on Obama and Socialism Revisited.
Dave Taylor attacks the Bible Archive at Disciple’s Journal with A Concise Blog on Christian Blogs.
Whenever I start to read a post at one of these I get the mental image of my second-grade teacher seated beside the easel holding the Dick-and-Jane type reader. When I read “In my last post, we began our discussion of faith . . .” I’m remembering cartons of milk for three cents and Jetsons lunchboxes and Nutty Buddies for a nickel for dessert.
Rey Reynoso, your Christian Carnival Host, presents Three Levels Contra Practicing “Freedom” in 1 Cor 8-10 posted at The Bible Archive, saying, “In the last post I gave an overview of 1 Corinthians 8-10 and in this post I want to examine Paul’s concluding points regarding the freedoms of eating meat offered to idols on three different levels”
So the Sequel Edition marks a point in Carnival History where it just keeps on going. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Christian Carnival using the carnival submission form. Past posts can be found here, at the Bible Archive.
Technorati tags: christian carnival ii, blog carnival, christian carnival, meta, christian blogs
7 replies on “Christian Carnival 350: The Best Sequels Edition”
Thanks. Hopefully the great rave from my article will create that financial security all pastors are preaching about today. :)
Quirky? Well, now I’m hurt.
I though this was a blog post about movies when I first read the title. Oh, well caught me off guard for a second.
Old school? I’m more hurt than David.
Old School Carnivaler!
And David, your writing rocks. I love it.
[…] 27, 2010 Christian Carnival 351 (Revenge of Mr. Dumpling) October 20, 2010 Christian Carnival 350: The Best Sequels Edition (Bible Archive) October 13, 2010 Christian Carnival 349 (Jevlir Caravansary) October 6, 2010 […]
[…] time. I didn’t come up with a cool theme for this Carnival (like I’ve done in the past: 1, 2, 3) but that should be okay. Enjoy the carnival, and make sure to take a look at the posts I […]