rey's a point

Dark Confession

So I’ve got this backend manager that makes links to the ESV
Bible to make references easier to look up for folk. The script was made
available by one of the professional mambrothers and it is based on
Scripturizer from Scott Yang. Now, my dark admission…

I don’t like the ESV. Okay, there. It’s out. My heresy is
complete. Now you have every right to group me with antinomians, KJV Onlyists
and Vegetarians.

You see, for years I was a fan of the KJV then the NKJV then
I dabbled in the NIV and went back to the NKJV. During this final stage I would
continue my studies with several Bibles (still do) and the NASB translation became
more and more my favorite.

I found that when I’m reading a Greek-Word study guide the
NASB often comes closest to a one to one translation of the original text. Mind
you, I’m no Greek linguist but I can appreciate that bit in my studies whereas
when I read the NIV or the NKJV or the KJV there is constant “fixing” to get my
thinking right with what the verse actually says.

Unfortunately whenever I read the ESV I feel like I’m
reading the NIV again. Verses are sorta fuzzed out. Easier reading is placed
over better translation (don’t bother arguing this, I know even the NASB goes
dynamic on us). Oh it kills me when reading Romans 10 and 11.

Anyway, come back tomorrow when Brother Russ continues his
series on TULIPS with a focus on Irresistible Grace. His verses will be ESV
only, no fault of his own.

Update: What’s on My Desk? (HT: Rebecca from Tim)
NASB Bible
NKJV Bible
NIV Audio Bible (Does this count?)
Does the ESV Bible on my computer desktop now count?
Christian Baptism by AP Gibbs
Romans Commentary by Martin Luther
Romans by Cranfield (ICC)
Bible Knowledge Commentary (Walvoord and Zuck)
Chafer’s Systematic Theology
Beyond Calivnism and Arminianism by Olson
Hurlbut’s Bedtime Bible Story Book (i really should put this back on Sy’s shelf)
Star Wars: Splinter in the Mind’s Eye


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