
Ancient Prayers: Pope Pius VI

Barring my faulty memory, and if I’m not lazy, I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one comes from Pope Pius VI (Count Giovanni Angelo Braschi).

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ graciously hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.

God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Thou Who art Infinite Love, Have mercy on us.

Thou Who didst first love me, Have mercy on us.

Thou Who commandest me to love Thee, Have mercy on us.

With all my heart,

I Love Thee, O My God

With all my soul,

I Love Thee, O My God

With all my mind,

I Love Thee, O My God

With all my strength,

I Love Thee, O My God

Above all possessions and honors,

I Love Thee, O My God

Above all pleasures and enjoyments,

I Love Thee, O My God

More than myself, and everything belonging to me,

I Love Thee, O My God

More than all my relatives and friends,

I Love Thee, O My God

More than all men and angels,

I Love Thee, O My God

Above all created things in heaven or on earth,

I Love Thee, O My God

Only for Thyself,

I Love Thee, O My God

Because Thou art the sovereign Good,

I Love Thee, O My God

Because Thou art infinitely worthy of being loved,

I Love Thee, O My God

Because Thou art infinitely perfect,

I Love Thee, O My God

Even hadst Thou not promised me heaven,

I Love Thee, O My God

Even hadst Thou not menaced me with hell,

I Love Thee, O My God

Even shouldst Thou try me by want and misfortune,

I Love Thee, O My God

In wealth and in poverty,

I Love Thee, O My God

In prosperity and in adversity,

I Love Thee, O My God

In health and in sickness,

I Love Thee, O My God

In life and in death,

I Love Thee, O My God

In time and in eternity,

I Love Thee, O My God

In union with that love wherewith all the saints and all the angels love Thee in heaven,

I Love Thee, O My God

In union with that love wherewith the Blessed Virgin Mary loveth Thee,

I Love Thee, O My God

In union with that infinite love wherewith Thou lovest Thyself eternally,

I Love Thee, O My God

My God, Who dost possess in incomprehensible abundance all that is perfect and worthy of love, annihilate in me all guilty, sensual, and undue love for creatures. Kindle in my heart the pure fire of Thy love, so that I may love nothing but Thee or in Thee, until being so entirely consumed by holy love of Thee, I may go to love Thee eternally with the elect in heaven, the country of pure love. Amen.

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