Nothing fancy for this Carnival, so I’ll lead with the standard welcome to the December 7, 2011 edition of the Christian Carnival! More after the jump.
Chris Price presents American Churches and Racism posted at American Church History, saying, “Why is racism still an issue in churches? It’s a thread throughout church history.”
True Stillwater presents How to Want What You Have By Doing Happy! posted at Letters, Messages, and Prayers, saying, “Giving prayerful thanks for everything in life… the only way to be truly happy!”
Russ White presents The Levitical Widow Laws and Social Justice posted at Thinking in Christ, saying, “Intersection of doctrine and modern political thought.”
Rey Reynoso (your Bible Archive host) shares An Infographic on his Comcast Hatred posted at his personal site Rey’s A Point saying “It’s not very Christian, it personifies hate, but I try to do it in a pretty way.”
loswl presents Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 13 – The Effects On Our Thinking Process posted at INSPIKS, saying, “As a last subject, we will discuss not the theory of evolution, but rather WHAT EFFECT the theory of evolution has on our thinking processes. I speak of us as individual human beings, each of us with the power to make decisions and to interpret the evidence before our eyes.”
loswl presents Before I Formed You in the Womb I Knew You posted at INSPIKS, saying, “It is so important to remember that life is not about us, and we are to take the responsibilities God has given us seriously and thank Him for the privileges of allowing us to do His work, serve others, and honor Him.”
Christian Amit presents Joseph – Father of Jesus posted at Bible Study Exposition Online, saying, “What does bible speak about Joseph – the father of Jesus Christ? This bible study lesson portrays Joseph’s journey from doubt and disappointment to delight, his dream and his obedience to the will of God.”
Barry Wallace presents ‘Tis the season… John Piper Book Giveaway posted at who am i?, saying, “I’m giving away some books. You still have plenty of time to enter.”
Julie Ann Miller presents Burst of Salt: ANGELS posted at Burst of Salt, saying, “The pastor of my church told us an interesting story which I found very inspiring and I wanted to share that and my thoughts also on the presence in our lives of angels.”
Cindy Jeffrey presents Prayer for the Light of Truth and Understanding posted at Christian Prayers Daily, saying, “We walk by faith, not by sight. Yet we ask God to help us see, to help us understand, to help us know truth. In this prayer, we ask God for His light.”
Josh presents Bible Verses About Depression: 15 Helpful Scriptures posted at What Christians Want To Know, saying, “Here are fifteen helpful Bible verses for those suffering through depression.”
Christian Amit presents Biblical Principles to Prosperity and Success from the Book of Joshua posted at Bible Study Exposition Online, saying, “What are the keys to prosperity and success, according to you? This bible study guide on Joshua 1:6-9 explores the key bible principles to the success and prosperity. The participant study guide is also available for the download. We will learn about the commands and promises that God gave to Joshua when he was about to be installed as leader of Israel. We will also draw some of the principles and practical tips on meditating and memorizing the word of God.”
David R Wells presents Aliens or Citizens? posted at Revelation 3:10 – Blog: Through Davids Eyes, saying, “First Peter was written to Christian believers scattered throughout the country of modern day Turkey. Peter calls them aliens in this world and tells them that in being aliens they should abstain from evil desires and conduct themselves properly. Peter knew the importance of living a godly life as well as how it could serve as a witness to others. It’s sad to say, but hundreds of years later, Christians and churches alike are no longer living as strangers to the world.”
@marriagelove presents 20 tips to save a marriage: Putting God first | Marriage Love Builders posted at Marriage Love Builders, saying, “Getting first things first makes everything in marriage go better. And what’s first? God! Here are twenty great tips that can help husbands and wives save their marriages.”
Ridge Burns guest blogs InFaith at the United Club posted at Ridge’s Blog
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Christian Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page or right here on the Bible Archive.
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One reply on “Christian Carnival 408”
[…] Dec 21, 2011 410 (Going Into All the Earth) Dec 14, 2011 409 (Beyond Belief) Dec 07, 2011 408 (Bible […]