pray salvation

Holy Saturday Litury of Basil The Great

Some thoughts from our brothers and sisters in the Eastern Church. Not everything is right and I don’t approve certain practices but the imagery is pretty nice when you consider it as a picture.

Rejoice, you heavens, sound the trumpet, you foundations of the earth, shout aloud your joy, you mountains; for see, Emmanuel has nailed our sins to the Cross, and he that gives life has slain death and raised up Adam, for he loves mankind.

( From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch: let Israel hope in the Lord.)

Today Hell groans and cries, ‘It were better for me had I not accepted the one born of Mary, for he has come upon me and destroyed my might. He has smashed the gates of brass. Souls which before I held, he, being God, has raised’. Glory, O Lord, to your Cross and to your Resurrection!

( For with the Lord there is mercy, and with him plentiful redemption: and he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. )

Today Hell groans and cries, ‘It were better for me had I not accepted the one born of Mary, for he has come upon me and destroyed my might. He has smashed the gates of brass. Souls which before I held, he, being God, has raised’. Glory, O Lord, to your Cross and to your Resurrection!

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