christ worship

Jesus Christ Our Lord is God Incarnate

Jesus Christ is the promised, beloved son ({{John 3:16}}; {{1 Jn 4:9}}) who will have the authority on His shoulders and He is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace ({{Is 9:6}}). As the Son of God, He has spoken ({{Heb 1:1}}) and has given understanding so that we may know Him who is true?this is the true God and eternal life ({{1 John 5:20}}) as spoken of in the Old Testament ({{Jer 10:10}}). As such He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords ({{Rev 1:5, 17:14}}) something only designated for God ({{Is 6:1-3}}).

Only God He is over all ({{Ps 45:6-7}}) yet the Son of God ({{Mat 26:63-67}}) is designated as being over all ({{Rom 9:5; Col 1}}). There is none like God yet Christ as the Word ({{John 1:14, 18}}) was with God in eternity past, one with Him and is Him ({{John 1:1}}). Only God judges ({{Ec 12:14}}) yet the Son will be the executor judgment ({{1 Co 4:5}}; {{2 Cor 5:10}}; {{2 Ti 4:1}}). Only God creates (Gen 1:1) yet Jesus Christ was the Creator (Col 1:16).

The Son is Eternal ({{Isa 9:6}}; {{Mic 5:2}}; {{John 1:1}}; {{Col 1:17}}; {{Heb 1:8-10}};{{ Rev 1:8}}), omnipresent ({{John 3:13}}; {{Matt 28:20}}), omnipotent ({{Phil 3:21}}; {{Rev 1:8}}), omniscient ({{John 2:24,25}}; {{Rev2:23}}); unchangeable ({{Heb 13:8}}; {{Heb 1:12}}; {{Mal 3:6}}).

Therefore He has equal honor with the Father ({{John 5:23}}) as owner ({{John 16:15}}), source of grace ({{1Th 3:1}}1; {{2Th 2:16,17}}), as unsearchable ({{Pr 30:4}}; {{Mt 11:27}}), as creator ({{John 1:3}}; {{Heb 1:2}}), as raising the dead ({{John 5:21; 6:40,54}})?even of Himself ({{John 2:19, 21; 10:18}}). He forgives sins ({{Col 3:13}}, {{Mk 2:7,10}}) and equally worthy of reliance with God ({{Ps 2:12}}; {{1 Pet 2:6}}; {{Jer 17:5,7}}; {{John 14:1}}).

This is not exhaustive. All of Scripture sings the chorus of the Son and His perfection, his glory and his equality with the Father as he reveals Himself throughout the ages. With this account we can confess with the Apostles that Jesus Christ is both Lord and God ({{John 20:28}}).

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