reynaldo reynoso (admin)
The Bride eyes not her garment, but her dear Bridegroom?s face;
I will not gaze at glory but on my King of grace.
Not at the crown He giveth but on His pierced hand;
The Lamb is all the glory of Immanuel?s land.
There are so many things that can occupy my time. I?ve noticed that work can take up such a huge portion, as does the work in the local gathering. I spend time studying various books and reading the Word and trying to understand God?s will for my life and for my home. I spend time with my two year old son watching the wonder shimmering in his wide eyes as we come up with a ?new? game?shadow puppets or pretending that we see the sun on a cloud day. I spend time talking with my wife in the wee hours of the evening / morning and spend time in silence with my own thoughts reflecting on something or other.
I spoke at a conference recently, which focused on leading a life of Godliness. We looked at many ?how?s? and ?what-to-do?s? in the spending time towards Godliness but, come Sunday morning, this hymn struck a chord in me.
So often I spend time looking at my home, my job, my ministry, my studies and myself. The goal being that I may one day may fully understand Godliness (a quest that appears more and more unattainable) and the will of God in my life. Sometimes, I just have to stop, like Mary at Jesus? feet, and stop focusing on the labor or clamor or problems around me?but on the Lord. Stop the busy duty so that people don?t see my work, and me but see what my eyes are focused on?hopefully seeing the dear face of the Lord Jesus Himself. Not gazing at the gifts that He gives, but on the price that He paid. Not gazed on the glory of all the labor here below but focused on the glory of the Lamb Himself.