So it has occurred, the winners have been announced and the Archive is not on the List. Sighs of relief can now escape the lungs of the imagined readers of said Archive. With no further ado, I introduce you to The First Salond du Refuses for those who may have not made the final EU cut or weren’t even in the EU running!
These choices were completely arbitrary and against the will
of the recipient. I chose you because I wanted to and have translated your link
from it?s cozy sphere of sanctity (away from my grubby fingers) and have placed
you firmly in the Salon du Refus?!
Here?s a graphic. It?s a png file making your displaying of
it even more arbitrary.
If you wish to use this graphic, copy it to your server and put a link to this post . If you want to prove I’m a bad designer, copy it to your server and highlight how "Rey from the Bible Archive is a bad designer". Here’s the awards:
Not A Runner Up: His name was inappropriately submitted (by
Myself) as a New Blog when he has been posting for 17 months. Dear geek friend
and completely saccharine in his presentation, I introduce the well known Happy
He is not a God-blogger, remaining more in the realm of comic book Geekdom. He
has mastered most of the games on my site in his striving to be number one.
Give a round of applause for MCF.
Not Twins. They look alike (well, not really) post at the
same time, sometimes on the same subject and their boards link to each other.
Each has created aggregators racking up the links in a devious ploy to dethrone
Hewitt and knock on the doors of Glenn Reynolds palatial Halls. They are the
Dynamic Duo Adrian and Jollyblogger. They also have linked to me enough times
to make me a Large Mammal. I?ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Running out of words to describe this category, so I?ll just
link to Dan?s blog, and rest assured as he provides a Quote or two! Lastly I’ll choose the Lazy Logician…Joshua…he gets an award too.
I lied about the "lastly" bit. Ms O’Hara and Irene Q each get an arbitrary award because girls rule. Messy Christian is getting an award too. As is the Write Jerry. And…um…Peachwater, Texas. He gets one too.
Yay, applause. Go ahead. Strut.
In the true spirit of the Arbitrary Award, Eric the Preacher plans to use the image on his blog even though he wasn’t arbitrarily chosen. In encourage others to do the same. Excelsior.