I was comparing notes with a couple of the Geek Friends the other day on our methodology in our gathering. Jerry (a charismatic) suggested that he, Curt (a Baptist), MCF (a catholic and absent from the conversation) and myself (so called Plymouth Brethren) took a Sunday off and visit each others? church. Since I don?t see it happening in the near future (Curt is in the choir and Jerry is some sort of prayer leader) I figured I would take people into a standard meeting at our assembly. So come on in, it?s Sunday and 9:25 and the brothers and sisters are inside preparing for the meeting.
Well, I guess I can?t really say this is how all of the ?Plymouth Brethren? gather?each assembly may do things a bit differently here or there but there are some key-elements that are found in each and every one of them. Central to our gathering is the worship of the Lord (John 4:21-24;) who so richly rescued us from the bondage of sin and the power of death. So at 9:30, you?ll find us seated with our hymnbooks near at hand and our Bibles opened looking at a passage to focus our thoughts or self-examine (1 Cor 11:27-33).
Check out the room: very plain and on that an unadorned table up front (or in the center of the room depending on some places) notice a single loaf and a single cup filled with wine. These folk gathered here are believers who have been baptized, and you notice that on the women?s head? That?s a head covering?it is very plain really, and meant to cover her hair but some might wear a hat instead, although I haven?t seen those as much in our gatherings (1 Cor 11:4-13). The meeting starts with either a song or a prayer or a reading brought by any of the brothers who have come today.
As you sit in the meeting you may notice connections in thought from prayer to song to Bible readings and devotionals. In fact, I have found it immensely enjoyable to take a note of what was said, sang or prayed. You know, each of the brothers and sisters have prepared themselves during the week, not following any direction of men but of the Lord, and each have come to the meeting prepared with what they are to offer?the men out loud and the women in silence (1 Cor 14:26-40).
The harmony is usually astounding and it will be immediately obvious that we?re not focusing on anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done on the cross (John 19; Rom 5), His resurrection (Acts 2:22-36) and His imminent return (1 Thes 4:13-18) . The tongue speaking that you hear going on is Spanish?the Celestial tongue (That?s a joke of course?sorry Charismatics but we?re very wary of the whole speaking in tongues thing with actual celestial languages)?thankfully there are brothers who will translate (1 Cor 14:6-19) what?s being said so that everyone is edified (1 Cor 14:1-5).
Usually after a (super) natural progression someone rises and prays, goes up and takes the bread, breaks it and passes it from hand to hand. Another brother will rise and pray for the cup and it will also be passed from hand to hand, pouring from the main cup into their smaller cup (1 Cor 11:23-26). Lastly someone will rise and pray for the collection and then the bag is passed around?the only time a collection is ever made so if the Lord has placed an amount on your heart or if you have set something aside, this is the time to give it (1 Cor 16:2).
After another song, reading or prayer, one of the three elders (Acts 20:17; 1 Tim 3; Titus 1), or another assigned brother, will get up to give announcements or give a devotional, take prayer requests and we?ll spend the last 15 minutes in prayer for the specific requests and refreshments.
The fellowship time starts right after this at 11:00 am till 11:30 consisting of coffee, bread and cake and much discussion?be it about the Lord?s Supper or about other?s health and so forth. Prepare yourself; the brethren greet each other with a holy kiss (more so the Hispanic brethren) so get ready to wipe that lipstick off your cheeks (Rom 16:16; 1 Cor 16:20; 2 Cor 13:12; 1 Thes 5:26)!
At 11:30 we head back into the main hall and sing some praise music directed by some of the more musically inclined brothers?someone also playing either on the piano or the guitar. After welcoming visitors (who have been brought in via vans or friends) and announcements we split into classes. The children go to their respective classes in Sunday School, the adults split by language preference (English and Spanish).
Noting that the time is 12:00pm we?ll make our ways to our meeting with Bibles in the ready. In each of these two meetings there is a brother teaching or preaching from the Scripture alone. Sometimes the brother?s gift lies more in encouragement and you will see it in the way he expounds the Scriptures. Sometimes the brother?s gift lies more in teaching and it will become obvious as you learn (1 Cor 12; Eph 4:11-17). We try to have the entire assembly teaching the same book or topic (for instance, currently we?re studying the Life of Christ which consists of many of the brethren going through the Synoptics while some of us go through the Book of John?we never have topical preaching that detracts from the Word). We finish it all up by 1:00 pm and after some discussion (be it questions or further expansion on the truths of the gospel for a visitor) we find ourselves going back home at 1:20pm.
Hope you enjoyed your visit and make sure to come back?fellow believers gathering together in the name of the Lord is a taste of heaven here on Earth (Rev 5). If you want to swing by during the week, we have some other meetings each with prayer, fellowship and studying the Apostle?s doctrine (Acts 2:42): Monday Missionary Meeting or Basketball Ministry, Tuesday Prayer Meeting or Men/Women Bible Study, Wednesday Awana Club, Thursday Soccer Ministry or Friday Bible Study. Come by for any?we?d love to see you again.