brethren church liveblog

05-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)

Isaiah 42:1-4 will be used as a launching point for this lesson: Christ, the Perfect Servant. It is noteworthy to see the Lord’s delight: a sense of pride and joy in the introduction of His Son for there has never been anyone like Him. True there have been decent people and good men but all have disappointed God at some point in their life. But here, referring to his actions, is one who always did those things that pleased the Father. It would be ambitious to claim that all of the Perfect Servant will (or can) be told so we won’t. We’re going to look at some characteristics of the perfect servant and while occupying ourselves with Him we might perhaps learn how to conduct ourselves as servants.

brethren church liveblog

04-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)

Is the character sketch of an overseer from 1 Tim 3 obtainable? Well, yes, in fact all believers should be characterized by 1 Tim 3 conduct—but w all come short. The elders aren’t perfect either but they are characterized by these perfect characteristics. Further a person can only really be effectively shepherding if he reflects a proper shepherding character. “Qualifications” conveys an idea of proving or disproving something at any particular time: in other words, qualifying for the work of an overseer is a continual process.

brethren church liveblog

03-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)

The topic for this session is discipline in the local church. It is an expansive subject and one can easily spend 6 sessions on this. If we boil it down to it?s essence it is basically 3 levels as highlighted in the following Scripture: Gal 6:1-2; Matt 18:15-17, 1 Cor 5:1-13 and 2 Cor 2:4-8. It is, admittedly, a difficult subject to deal with although it is entirely Biblical and must be taught.

brethren church liveblog

02-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)

1 Pet 5. Acts 20. John 21. All of these verses tell us to feed the flock, feed the flock, feed the sheep, tend the flock, care for the flock. Noteworthy: they all use the same word. Feeding the sheep is more expansive than giving the sheep food, more encompassing then simply filling their need to eat. It consists of bringing them to the food, of watching over them as they eat, as tending for them and caring for them and protecting them.

brethren church liveblog

01-Shepherding Conference (LiveBlog)

When looking to shepherd one must first look to the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. By taking note of Him and His work we would come to a closer understanding of what it is to shepherd perfectly.