
Prayer Mondays: Tobit

Barring my faulty memory (and if I’m not lazy) I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one doesn’t come from history, per se, but rather from the fictional book of Tobit. It isn’t Scripture (though Rome and the East say otherwise) but it does have a really nice prayer in it that I think we can Amen (at least most of it). It comes from chapter 13.

israel pray

Prayer Mondays: Solomon

Barring my faulty memory (and if I’m not lazy) I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one comes from pre-Church history, for Israel, by King Solomon in 1 Kings 8:22-30.

history pray

Prayer Mondays: Memorial Day

Barring my faulty memory (and if I’m not lazy) I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one comes from the Rev. Dick Kozelka of the First Congregational Church of Minnesota for Memorial Day.

godhead pray

Prayer Mondays: Trinity Sunday

Barring my faulty memory (and if I’m not lazy) I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one comes from the Catholic Church regarding Trinity Sunday.


Prayer Mondays: Pentecost Sunday

Barring my faulty memory (and if I’m not lazy) I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one comes from Book of Divine Worship (and the Book of Common Prayer) for Pentecost Sunday.