Prayer Mondays: George Mueller - Rey Reynoso's Bible Archive
church history pray

Prayer Mondays: George Mueller

Barring my faulty memory, and if I’m not lazy, I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one isn’t more an answer than a prayer, but at least we see the contents of what was prayed: it comes from George Mueller

On May 25th, I began to ask the Lord for greater real spiritual prosperity among the saints, among whom I labour in Bristol, than there ever yet had been among them; and now I have to record to the praise of the Lord that truly He has answered this request; for, considering all things, at no period has there been more manifestation of grace and truth, and spiritual power among us, than there is now while I am writing this for the press (1845). Not that we have attained to what we might; we are far, very far from it; but the Lord has been very, very good to us, and we have most abundant cause for thanksgiving.

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