Reynoso Update

Well, my mother-in-law is staying with us this week and my sister-in-law stayed with us this weekend?God bless them. They?re good folk, very helpful and never offering unwarranted opinions on what?s going on knowing that if the doctors don?t know, they?re not going to know either.

My wife is feeling fine?just tired from the increasing weight of the baby. The doctors don?t have a clue what happened and so far they seem to be looking at the slurred-speech incident as separate from the stomach event although they happened in virtually the same time. We found a G.I. by the grace of God who is also affiliated with Mount Sinai and has proficiency with motility issues and we?ll be seeing him on Friday. Pray that the visit proves fruitful?we?ve been looking for a new GI for a while, gave up and then because of this recent incident decided it?s best to get one.

Also we may be going to have Sy go to his first dentist appointment. It?s pretty much a get-acquainted type visit but he?s had a history of dealing with doctors and I?m not sure how he will react. Pray for me as I pray for you. If you have a prayer request you can always email me and I will post it. If you wish to keep it private let me know and I?ll simply place you in my prayer book.

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