Richard…I’m posting this here on the home page as well since I don’t know if you’ll get back to the article to see my reply and I don’t have any way to contact you.
I see that you are seeking for God and you hinted
that you knew him at one point. I don?t know the extent of your
knowledge of God or your relationship with Him but I can assure you of
this?if you are seeking Him, He does reveal Himself (Deut 4:29). The Bible tells us
that God is near to those who seek Him. He comes close?and in no wise
will He hide Himself, but reward the seeker with His revelation (Acts 17:27; Heb 11:6).
self-revelation is not to get you to join a new club or religion. He
wants you to live a good life filled with good works and a God honoring
family?but none of that matters if you personally are not right with
God (Rom 8:6-8).
In His revelation He seeks men to repent and turn to Him
because there is no way that men can please God in their family life,
their work life or their personal life on their own accord. There is
only one way that God affords His good pleasure to a man and that is by
faith (Heb 11:6). Faith isn?t something you work at or pray that you?ll get but
trusting Him. You must look to God as the only one who is trustworthy (Heb 10:23),
the only one who offers salvation and access to His presence, the only
one who can turn your state of not being a friend of God to being a
full blown son of God?not by teachings or morality or going to church,
but by believing on the One that God sent to fully reveal Himself to
God has revealed Himself in many ways but when the Son
came He revealed God to men in His entirety (Heb 1:1-2; John 1:18)):. The Bible says that if you
believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you will be saved?and we?re not
talking about an empty belief here in a religion or a church. We?re
talking about repenting of your sin (1 John 1:9) and looking to Jesus and what He
did on the cross as your only hope of peace with God, trusting that
Christ has paid the price and that now you can be saved (Rom 5:1-12).
gets even better Richard. God, who is rich in mercy, in His revelation
has shown that Jesus Christ not only died, but He rose from the
grave?powerful and proving to all mankind that God is right and men are
wrong. This is the point Richard, men are at the crossroads?do they
believe or don?t they? Where do you stand?
I would love to
email you privately if you want to discuss this in further detail, but
I?ll tell you now that you don?t have to do a fancy prayer or any
catechisms or sayings to get saved. Repent of your sin?that?s the hard
part, realizing that you (just like me) are a sinner?then pin your hope
and trust to Jesus Christ and He will save you because He has already
provided a way for you to be saved (John 3:16). If you want to write me, contact me
in this comments section or this one or email me at