Sy and Sister-To-Be

Obviously, my son doesn?t fully understand the concept of a
baby sister. As the firstborn, he?ll learn real quickly when it does happen?but
for now he basks in the blissful state of ignorance and daddy-time.

Every now and then, when feeling a bit ornery, he snaps that
he doesn?t want a baby sister, he wants a baby brother. That aside, he still
decides to come up to my wife?s belly and say ?Hello Ewayna? or ?Ewayna, pway
the guitar? with said peace offering in hand.

Those moments of tremendous lucidity are interspersed with
periods of him putting a cup up to his belly while standing next to the tv
screen and pointing out the ?sonogwam of the baby in my bewwee?. He?s going to
be in for an even bigger surprise when he?s 12 or so?

The baby is due May 1st and not a moment too
soon. He?s constantly chastising or playing with his imaginary friends. Ah
well, for now he can revel in these focused moments of daddy time. Tonight he
sat on my back, leaning on my head as our eyes lazily followed a toy train
around a winding track.


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