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‘Twas The Night Before Christmas According to Edgar Allen Poe


The rhythm is often off since I haven’t sat down with it as much as I would like. It’s not even finished, really, and I wouldn’t be surprised if thousands of people have already undertaken to do the same. After all, Edgar Allen Poe was a genius and Clement Clarke Moore’s poem lies close to the modern practices. Ah well, at least it’s good for a laugh: “T’was  The Night Before Christmas to The Tune of The Raven”.


King Jesus Over Us

If we find that we have not trusted in the only one with authority, the one who has already conquered, the one who will return again we are actually his enemies. We are the ones who are standing in opposition to His Kingdom.

The clarion call of the Gospel is Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand! The Son is coming back! We must submit to the power and authority and majesty of him who has been declared both Lord and Christ else we stand on our own power and authority in contradistinction from him.

That pride and idolatry will be dealt with.

And if we have trusted in him? Let us strengthen feeble arms and weakened knees (Heb 12:12) while making every effort to live in peace with everyone and be holy (Heb 13:14). Let’s continue to draw near to the Lord because we’re his people.

We’re not those that have to approach with trembling with fear (Heb 13:21) but we can come near to the Lord, to the very Kingdom of God established in Mount Zion (Heb 13:22-24) as part of a kingdom which cannot be shaken.

We can worship Jesus, the Lord God our King, with reverence and awe (Heb 13:28) as a holy nation with an inheritance that doesn’t fade away (1 Peter 1:3).


Jesus: A King Who Conquers

Christ isn’t some weakling who is just waiting for people to repent while he bites his nails hoping they do. Paul says that Christ must reign until all his enemies are made his footstool (1 Cor 15:25). We see a war waged against the Lamb and he personally conquers over his enemies because of who he is (Rev 17:14). The book of Revelation is filled with horrifying images, but how powerful and horrifying is the image of Christ, on a horse, slaying his enemies like grapes in a winepress, their blood filling a valley several miles wide so that his horse has to wade through it (Isaiah 63:3; Rev 14:14-20;19:11-16)?

Jesus is no weakling King.

He is a King who has authority right now, and will enforce that authority on a later date. Gentiles will continue to flock to him and eventually sit beneath his banner (Is 11:10) while the Jews realize their error and flock to him (Ho 3:5) and ultimately all his handed over to God (1 Cor 15:28).

When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

And it is in this context that Paul thinks about Adam: the King who failed and didn’t conquer. Adam couldn’t even rule over his own home and winds up having creation rule over him.

Jesus is a King who conquers.


Jesus And His Kingdom

The father of the house might call himself King over the home and we get what he’s saying. In the home, Dad’s Rule reigns.  How far will Husband get with Wifey if he says “Woman, I am King in this house”?

Or what about the teenager who has on the door of his room “King of My Castle”: weird thing to have a King who has authority over a room in a house that isn’t his. A King without a Kingdom is a strange thing.

Christ is not a King without a Kingdom. He outright says that his Kingdom is not of this present world (John 18:36). But more so, his Kingdom is one that is everlasting (Dan 2:44; Luke 1:33), is righteous (Ps 45:6; Heb 1:8-10; Isa 32:1; Jer 23:5), in which all the saints are subject to Him (Col 1:13).

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves

Jesus has an overarching eternal kingdom.


Jesus: The Revealed King

In Lord of the Rings by the Christian author JRR Tolkien, a man lives in the wild. He is an ugly man, rough around the edges from long harsh years. But we discover that this man, out of all men, is actually of the lineage of the old Kings. By the end, he is revealed as King with a crown and a flag—but before that he is revealed by action and circumstance.

Jesus declared himself to be a king in various ways, but not usually the way the people expected. For example, in Matt 25:34, he speaks of the Son of Man returning to separate the Goats and the Sheep and we see that he is speaking about a King is functioning in a kingly capacity under God.

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.