godhead Meditations

God’s Rights Set Aside

We don’t think twice about squishing the mosquito that dares bite our brow. God had every right to punish us rebels. He could’ve wiped us out at the garden. He could have wiped us out throughout any point in history. In fact, he could also have simply left us alone, ignoring us and leaving us in our frightful plight.

Yet, here is what Scripture tells us:

  • But God demonstrates his love for us (Rom 5:8)
  • But God is faithful (1 Cor 10:13)
  • But God, rich in mercy and love gave us life (Eph 2:1-5)
  • But God gifted his Son (Rom 6:23)
  • But God chose the foolish things of the world (1 Cor 1:27)

God, who had the right to condemn, didn’t use that right. Instead, he extended salvation and hope at just the right time in history. Instead, he sent His Son, born under the law and born to a woman, to bring peace and good will to mankind. Rejoice! God set aside his rights so that we might be made right with him.

godhead Meditations

God Has Rights

The news is buzzing about rights. Religious right. Speech rights. Expanded marriage rights. Human rights. Pre-born rights. All of us have an innate understanding of what it means to have our rights ignored, squandered, or taken away.

Did you know God has rights? Here are only a few:

  • The right to give eternal life (John 17:2)
  • The right to judge (John 5:27)
  • The right to everything created (Deut. 10:14)
  • The right, as head of the church, to gift how he wills (1 Cor 11:3; 12:28)

God gives us the freedom to act but we should consider at least four things:

  • Am I honoring the Lord?
  • Am I properly representing the Lord?
  • Am I giving the Lord his due glory?
  • Am I respecting God’s rights? (Said another way: am I taking any of God’s rights away from him?)

Notice that I didn’t include “am I sinning?”. It’s easy to look for “thou shalt” and “thou shalt not” but it’s much harder to stop and consider if what we’re doing (1) honors him, (2) represents him properly, (3) glorifies him, (4) respects his rights to judge, rule, gift, and own.

Here’s an easy example with money. God owns all money and shares it with us granting the freedom to use it. When have you last used it to honor, represent, and glorify Him? Now, when have you stopped and said “wait, this isn’t mine, this is God’s!” and given it back to Him? 

That’s just with money. What about our lips? Our hands? Our day-to-day? How are you respecting the Lord’s rights today?

quotables scripture

Quotables: What Is Inerrancy?

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Every now and then I like posting something incisive that was written in the past because it speaks so well into the present. The sweet thing about this is that these guys, who are often waved away today, have dealt with a lot of the same issues while remaining simultaneously (by the modern mind) ignored. This comes from Wayne Grudem.