D-Link Stole From Me

I bought this KVM Switch from newegg.com. They rock with
computer hardware at competitive prices. Thing is, I send in the rebate to
D-Link some 6-8 weeks ago and they send me a card saying my rebate is denied
because of an invalid UPC code. So I call them up and they ask me if I plan to
resubmit. I ask them how am I supposed to resubmit if I sent them the original.

?Well sir, do you remember how much the rebate was for??

?I don?t have a clue. I bought the thing weeks ago. I don?t
even remember what I bought. I would guess twenty bucks.?

?Sir, it was ten dollars.?

?Okay. Regardless, I still can?t send you the UPC code since
I sent you the original.?

?It wasn?t valid. Your rebate is denied.?

?Then send me back my receipt.?

?As our policy says, those items become our property.

?Let me get this straight. I send you a rebate form, my
receipt and my ONLY UPC code from the box, which effectively means if anything
happens I can?t return it to where I bought it?and you?re telling me that I can?t
get back the proof of purchase.?

?Sir, it?s our pol??

?Yeah, I got you. What?s your name?? pause ?Thanks [Steve].
This has nothing to do with you. I?m reporting your company to the Better
Business Bureau. This is ridiculous. Good day.?

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