
Menu Madness

Let me open my non-existent mail bag and answer one of the
most pressing unasked questions: What exactly do all the links on the menu bars

Like a City, everything on the archive is divided into
blocks or groupings of similar things. In the Home Block you have a link to the
Home Page, FAQ?s (includes a doctrinal statement,  mission or goal and legal statements) and a
?Contact Me? where you can drop me, Rey the Admin, a note or private complaint,
criticism or accolade.

Rey?s Notebook is where you have all my blogging stuff.
Admin?s Categories divides my biblical notes by subject (Eschatology,
Ecclesiology, etc.) You?ll note that in that section I don?t use the fancy
theologian names like in my parenthesis. Instead of Soteriology I have a
category called Salvation. Admin’s Notebook consists of prayer requests, random thoughts, rants, links, study questions and hat tipping. Admin’s Archives is my study notes and essays. For an Archive of everything on the site there’s a box over there on the (currently) right side of the screen.

Resources is a bunch of material which helps in personal
studies. Basically, if I?m doing a Bible study, I can use my resources block to
look for the information I need. You?ll see that there are Bible Tools, Charts,
Language Tools (if you want to learn Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic) and an embedded Prophecy Chart (highlighting those Old Testament
prophecies which were fulfilled in Jesus). There?s also a link on this block of
Brethren Publications?which covers other so-called Plymouth Brethren sites
online. Christian Update deals with news and family helps from a Christian

The Community block is all about other sites and fun. I
blog-roll several sites in the links featured there (ie: Blogosophere Highs,
Blogdom-Roll, Church-Feed, Decablog, Evangelical Blogroll, Playful Picks and Great
). All of them there to support the blogging community at large. In the future this block will also house the "Plymouth Brethren" Archive Aggregator which I’ll post once folks tell me that they’re a "Plymouth Brethren" blog. There?s
also a link to Missions offering several links to Christian Missionary
Ministries. Video Games offers some mindless fun with old school games

Finally we have Links and Affiliates which gives you some
direction to Christian schools, Camps and Kid?s clubs and Random
?diverse links which are all enjoyable.

In the future I plan to offer customizable themes to
registered Archive members. Registration is free and it gives you the ability
to not have to type in your name in the comments section, but instead makes it
a link?kinda like blogger.

So there you have it, an overview of my menu bar and
simultaneously dry as dust. Hope you find it helpful.

Quick note: If you want to Syndicate me, there?s several
flavors of feeds offered on the Archive. You can use anything from RSS .91 up
to 2.0, Atom feeds and OPML if you want.




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