Rey Reynoso's Bible Archive - Notes and Thoughts from An Unabashedly Plymouth Brethren Blogger
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Who Should I Vote For?

Who should I vote for: Candidate A (in 2024: Kamala Harris) or Candidate B (Donald Trump)? Maybe this is an easy question for some of you USian Christians. It’s not easy for me. I’m struggling.

I’m not struggling with other questions like how candidate A or B will ultimately come into power. God is in control of all governments even if people (or the state) don’t use their God-granted authority (to rule, judge, and even condemn) the right way.  

I’m not wrestling with how to act if someone I don’t want in the oval office gets there anyway. I have responsibilities to obey the government God put in place. The only time I have a different choice is if the ruler pits my obedience to the ruler against my obedience to God.

Further, I’m not struggling with the question if I should vote. Christians, regardless of their locale, should personify the best example of a citizen of a nation under the lordship of Christ. That would mean that a Christian, living in a system where he or she has the freedom and responsibility to mindfully perform civic duties—one of those being voting—should perform those civic duties. In general, I should vote. But it doesn’t follow that I (1) always have to vote or (2) have to vote for the candidates nominated by the two biggest parties. If the American democratic system produced Joseph Stalin (the far-left communist dictator) and Adolf Hitler (the far-right Nazi dictator) it doesn’t follow that I must pick one or the other.

In the current circumstance, I find myself considering and weighing my options. How do I weigh my options? Before I decide who to vote for, I need to figure out how I’m supposed to vote.


Knowing that Our Triune God is Awesome and Wonderful

Sometimes we can only describe something by the affect it produces in us. It is where attribute language isn’t enough. In the Bible, God allows this same description to be recorded. Although He makes himself known, God transcend us. Some descriptions, therefore, are so beyond us, that we can only stand in awe, slack-jawed, and wonder. This is why the Bible also describes Him as awesome and wonderful: He is praised for being completely and amazingly beyond.

  • God is the great and awesome God (Deut 7:21; 10:17)
  • God’s name is awesome (Deut 28:58; Psalm 111:9; Neh 1:5; 9:32) and wonderful (Judges 13:18; Isaiah 9:6
  • God is awesome above all things (Ps 89:7; Dan 9:4)
  • God is awesome in praises (Exo 15:11) so people stand in awe (Psalm 22:23)
  • God’s works are awesome (Psalm 66:3) and wonderful (Jer 2:2; Psalm 145:5; Matt 21:15)

You see how language falters? The only thing you can do is be in awe and worship. This follows New Testament pattern evidenced at the end of Paul’s letters. A pattern of reflecting on the wonder of God and writing a praise and worship to him: “How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”

Our God is an awesome God

He reigns from heaven above

With wisdom, power, and love

Our God is an awesome God


Knowing that Our Triune God is Jealous

When people are jealous, we usually sin. But not always. A woman who knows her husband’s eyes are being drawn away to another is rightly jealous! In that same way, God is so deeply connected to us that His concern for us is rightly, infinitely, jealous.

  • God warns the Israelites not to worship other gods because He is jealous. (Ex 20:5; Ps 78:58)
  • God warns that He so loves His people that His name is Jealous (Ex 34:14)!

God’s jealousy is a perfect, direct outworking of His perfect love—a godly jealousy (2 Cor 11:2). This is why, God, in all three persons is provoked when we’re pulled away.

  • Our Lord Jesus can be provoked to jealousy when we partake of demon’s doctrine and actions (1 Cor 10:21-22).
  • The Holy Spirit is provoked to grieve when we don’t walk worthy of our calling and redemption (Eph 4:30)
  • God the Father can be provoked to wrath when the Spirit of grace is insulted, and the Son of God is trampled underfoot (Heb 10:31)

This is a difficult doctrine but, when reflecting on His infinite grace and love toward us, it totally makes sense.


Knowing that Our Triune God is Kind

To be kind is to act in a merciful way that is reflective of actual tenderness and concerned for another. We understand that God is love, gracious, and truth but Scripture shows that he is kind.

  • When God’s kindness was revealed, so was his philanthropic love (Titu 3:5)
  • God’s kindness gives room for people to repent (Rom 2:4)

 This tender-concern is offered to us with actions that reflect His kindness.

  • God’s kindness was evidenced in His showing believers mercy (Rom 11:22)
  • God’s kindness was evidenced in the surpassing riches tied to the offering of Jesus on our behalf (Eph 2:7)
  • The kindness of God our savior (Titus 3:4) offered through the renewing work of the Holy Spirit (Tit 3:5) made available by Jesus Christ (Tit 3:6)

He saw me ruined by the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all;

He saved me from my lost estate, His lovingkindness oh, how great!

Lovingkindness, loving kindness! His lovingkindness oh, how great!


Knowing that Our Triune God is Graciously Grace Filled

In one sense, to be grace-filled means that God is favorably disposed. But it is so much bigger. God’s grace or favor is free, more than enough, and overwhelming. If you put problems, pain, suffering and death on one end of a scale, God’s grace is infinitely above, over and beyond (Romans 5:15-16)!

  • God’s overwhelming grace is decided and sourced in the Father (Ephesians 1:2-18)
  • God’s outstanding graciousness is worked out and multiplied through the Son (John 1:17)
  • God’s otherworldly grace is eternally perfecting and sanctifying by the Holy Spirit of Grace (Heb. 10:29)

No matter what “direction” we look at Him, God, in all three persons, is graciously grace-filled—especially towards us who can’t earn this eternal hope (Eph 2:8).

Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,

Deeper than the mighty rolling sea

Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain, all sufficient Grace for even me

Broader than the scope of my transgressions

Greater far than all my sin and shame

Magnify the precious name of Jesus, praise His name!