
Knowing that Our Triune God Knows Everything

The Bible teaches that God, in all three persons, knows everything. Nothing exists outside of his knowledge. Nothing is fuzzy for God. He knows everything that is, was, and will be.

  • God knows everything of old (Isaiah 46:9-10)
  • God is greater than our internal selves; He KNOWS everything! (1 John 3:20)
  • God knows our words BEFORE we speak them (Psalm 139:4)

Indeed, every person of the trinity knows everything.

  • The Father knows us down to our smallest details (Matthew 10:29-30)
  • The Son knows everyone’s hearts (Acts 1:24) and thoughts (Luke 6:8)
  • The Spirit knows everything that God knows! (1 Corinthians 2:10–12)

Our triune God even knows what would have happened if people were in different situations or made different choices!

  • God knew people would betray David if David decided to stay where he was—so David left! (1 Sam 23:11-13)
  • Jesus knew that the people of Sodom would have repented if they saw the miracles Jesus had done (Matthew 11:21)

Rejoice! God is never taken by surprise! Not at our world, our situations, our in-actions, our emotions, or our choices if things were different. Our Triune God knows it all!

godhead salvation the father

Reading List On Molinism

About two or so years ago, I had created a worldcat list with reading material relating to Molinism. Some of the material counters it; some of it might touch on it accidentally as it were. I’ve been working through the list but with some recent additions, I think it’s at a point where I can share the contents for your own benefit. I’ve put them in publishing order but I personally started with the translation of Molina’s Concordia. Bold, as on other lists, means I’ve read it and crossed it off the list. Feel free to make suggestions. Also make sure to follow the reading list on worldcat since any updates are most likely to happen there than here.

christ salvation

An Honest Atonement That Worked

Just like how my faith was rescued by the resurrection of the Son of God, my theology was generally rescued by Christ’s crucifixion. But to see how that works, I have to give some general preliminaries of what others say. I’m not going into the detail of any of the systems. I’m just touching on them because these are where my personal questions arose, where they collided with the text, and where I had to leave those ideas. Their explanations of key texts made me nervous.