
Knowing that Our Triune God is All Powerful

God, in all three persons, is omnipotent: that means all-powerful. What the Father thinks is spoken by the Son and the Holy Spirit makes it happen. Look at how this works in God’s creation (Gen 1:1-3; Psalm 33:6)

  • God exists by Himself without needing anything else.
  • The Spirit of God moved over the deep waters
  • God said: “Let there be Light”, His word made the heavens and God’s breath made the stars exist
  • And just like that, there was Light! Something that didn’t exist before suddenly appeared out of nowhere!

The Bible says that everything is held together by Christ’s powerful word (Hebrews 1:3). Jesus only used His power when the Father wanted Him to, but He always had those powers because He is divine (Phil 2:4; John 14:31).

But that doesn’t mean God can do absolutely anything. For example, God, with all His power, can’t change who He is (James 1:17). He can’t make Himself lie or make Jesus lie (Hebrews 6:18). He also can’t stop being God (Psalm 90:2). So, God is all-powerful, but He can only do things that make sense with His nature. That means He can’t create rocks that are too heavy for Him to lift or make shapes that don’t exist like square circles.

We worship an all-powerful triune God who is eternally true to Himself!


Knowing that Our Triune God is Wise

It is one thing to know everything. It is quite another to know what to do with knowledge. It is infinitely better to know what the right thing is to do with any given knowledge. This is called being wise. Our God, in all three persons, is wise. This is what Scripture says:

  • God is the only one who is completely and all-encompassing wise (Romans 16:27)

God’s wisdom is seen in all three persons as He rightly acts to save people.

  • God is the only wise god in that he is our savior (Jude 1:25)
  • Christ Himself is the power and wisdom of God in that he died for us(1 Cor 1:24, 30)
  • The Holy Spirit is the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that the church grows to the full stature of Christ the head (Eph 1:17; Col 1:19)

We can only know true wisdom by going to the Lord Himself and therefore equip each other with that wisdom:

  • In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom (Col 2:3)
  • Teaching one another in all wisdom (Col. 3:16)

Much more can be said than has been said but take comfort in knowing that our God uses his knowledge to do the absolute right thing for His glory and for the good of His people.


Knowing that Our Triune God Knows Everything

The Bible teaches that God, in all three persons, knows everything. Nothing exists outside of his knowledge. Nothing is fuzzy for God. He knows everything that is, was, and will be.

  • God knows everything of old (Isaiah 46:9-10)
  • God is greater than our internal selves; He KNOWS everything! (1 John 3:20)
  • God knows our words BEFORE we speak them (Psalm 139:4)

Indeed, every person of the trinity knows everything.

  • The Father knows us down to our smallest details (Matthew 10:29-30)
  • The Son knows everyone’s hearts (Acts 1:24) and thoughts (Luke 6:8)
  • The Spirit knows everything that God knows! (1 Corinthians 2:10–12)

Our triune God even knows what would have happened if people were in different situations or made different choices!

  • God knew people would betray David if David decided to stay where he was—so David left! (1 Sam 23:11-13)
  • Jesus knew that the people of Sodom would have repented if they saw the miracles Jesus had done (Matthew 11:21)

Rejoice! God is never taken by surprise! Not at our world, our situations, our in-actions, our emotions, or our choices if things were different. Our Triune God knows it all!


Knowing that Our Triune God is Love

All of God’s character and attributes perfectly and eternally exist none greater than the other. Yes, God is holy, light, and good; and yes, God’s holiness is seen through His love and his love seen through his holiness. Yet, for us humans, created in God’s image, made to exist in community, love is the attribute that so often resonates in our hearts.

God, when inaugurating Christ to His mission, introduces the relationship as loving Father to obedient Son.

  • Matthew 3:17 “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased! Hear Him!”

Jesus, when he clearly wanted to explain God, didn’t refer to Him first as creator, king, judge, fire, or ruler—all of which are true. Jesus perfectly reveals God as a loving father.

  • The Father loves the Son and shows Him all he does! (John 5:20)

Our Lord then showers us with this love when he prays to the Father:

  • Father…in this relationship of I in the believers and they in me….the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me! (John 17:24)

John revels in this wonder writing, almost in amazing “Look at the great love the Father poured out on us: that we should be called the sons of God!” (1 John 3:1). Christian, let your heart join in the resonating song that the triune God is love (1 John 4:8)!

godhead Meditations

Knowing that Our Triune God Is Good

Parents have bad days. I might say “My dad had his rough spots, but he was a good dad.” Our God, on the other hand, wants us to know that only He is perfectly good. The Son says:

  • No one is good except God alone (Luke 18:19)

Jesus makes a connection that most of us haven’t thought about. Goodness is more than not evil. An unhelpful person is not evil. He might not kill the poor but the person who gives for the poor does better. He might be unhelpful because he lost his job. We don’t know how we’ll act in future situations. For someone to be top-of-the-line good, he or she can’t ever stop being perfectly good. If we manage to do good every single moment, we still die and there ends goodness!

These verses show that our trinitarian God is perfectly and unchanging good:

  • God is perfectly light absent darkness and our fellowship with the Father and Son (1 John 1:3,5)
  • Every good gift comes from the Father of lights who has no variation or shifting shadow and he gave the Son and another comforter like the Son (the Spirit: who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment) (James 1:17; John 3:16; 16:7-11)

Be happy and be in awe Christian! We are in a relationship with the God of no rough spots, who alone is good, and his love endures forever!