
Philosophy Fridays: Considering God in History?


Every now and then, on a Friday, I’ll step into the deep waters of Philosophy, ramble away on some idea and maybe even interact with it. Most of the time, a real philosopher could probably read my drivel and speak into it offering a corrective—but for now I’ll speak from ignorance. After all, it’s Friday; what better way to have fun than with philosophy. In this post I’ll answer the question “Should we consider God’s actions in historical discussions?” in under 700 words. Heh.


Tweet Blog: Hindsight of History

Just because you can look in your rear-view to see what you’ve driven over doesn’t mean that you should keep on going.

brethren history

Historical Brethren Documents

I’ve come across a bunch of files, and I put them up on my drop box. I think they’re mostly public domain, but since others might find them helpful, I put them up here. Some of these documents are distinctly against PB’s though my list will not make that apparent.

history human rey's a point

Tweet Blog: The Left At Albuquerque

Paving roads over the asphalt of old ideas leads to the same destination, no matter how pretty the new ways look.

church history

Prayer Mondays 2

Barring my faulty memory (and if I’m not lazy) I want to post prayers on Monday from all over Church History and then throughout the modern day, and then my own. This one comes from the Didache from very early in Church History, but sometime after most of the books of the New Testament.