romans study

Best Commentaries For Studying Romans: Case Study

I’ve been doing this series on Bible Study tools and was focusing on commentaries. In this post, I am going to list my commentary methodology, and a recommendation, with one book of the Bible: Romans.

I’ve read it quite a few times. Repeatedly. Taken notes on my perfect Bible and backed them up. Each time I find myself thinking “well, still don’t fully get it!” Paul had quite the brain.


New Perspective on Paul Reading List

Not too long ago, I created a list on worldcat with the must-read titles on the New Perspective On Paul since this isn’t new with N.T.Wright (although his version of it is new). I created this post (based on my list) with the intent of bolding the material that I have read and updating it (since it is harder to keep track on that on worldcat than on my own blog). I may also create blog posts stated the position, not reviewing the books, but no promises.

I placed them in order of publishing since that is my preferred order of reading (even if I don’t adhere to that as a hard rule).