I must momentarily pause and allow the person in the back over there to ask their question. I see that they are a Christian, just like me (the WWJD bracelet is obvious), and I must momentarily allow it. Throughout this series I’ve been treating the Bible as any other book, maybe a great book, but just a book nevertheless. The rest of the readers likely haven’t seen the Christians shifting uncomfortably at their seat the whole time:
Tag: reading
Motivating Factors
When someone takes to write a book they write with a purpose. Sometimes the purpose is to entertain and other times it’s to teach a theory or an observed idea and other times it is to motivate you (or someone) to act. No one writes a book just to spout words because that would be a waste of everybody’s time.
Reader’s Underwear
As a reader you are like a person on vacation. You can visit anywhere in the world but no matter where you go you will, by the nature of being you, bring your luggage. You’re luggage contains many things you find important (like your best shoes) but also things that you automatically assumed must come on your trip (like underwear). Even though you know most people won’t see some of those later things (the underwear) you assumed that they would go on the trip with you. On vacation you also properly assume other people have that same information. No one in the civilized world goes around thinking "Maybe that person isn’t wearing underwear". Or at least we hope.
Unwrapped Reads
It’s morning, it’s early and it’s Christmas. Vanilla and ginger still adorns the air after a week of Mom’s baking. You step onto the floor that shivers with winter and snuggle into your cozy slippers before hurrying out of your room, down the hallway and into the living room where your family’s Christmas tree stands. Beneath it in brilliant bursts of gold and red and green with dashes of blue and flashes of white are wrapped presents—some of them for you, some for your siblings.
Words Are Useless
Words are useless.
That’s strange in light of the last post where I waxed poetic about how special they were (are). To now enter this post and rendering those same words useless might make you stop reading. Bear with me and grant me the benefit of the doubt: I must be making some sort of distinction.