apologetics current affairs philosophy

Philosophy Fridays: Jewish Humans vs the Authority of the State

You. Yes, you: I’m speaking to you. Chris T.N, come here.

Yes, Herr Nacht C.?

Do not be afraid. I just wish to speak. Why is it that you seek to impose your religious values on the politics of the State? Do you not believe in the separation of Church and State?

That’s a lot to respond to, Herr. May I ask, good Herr, what is the context of the question?

Nein. I’ll ask you simple questions and I will proceed to show how you demand your religious values over the State.

Okay, that is fair…


Who Is A Person?

How would you define a person? You ask people that question and you might notice that personhood looks a lot like them. That doesn’t surprise me since there’s some basis of truth undergirding that presupposition, but I have to wonder about the priorities that come to the fore when defining personhood.