
Web Nicks and Clicks

MCF shows off his powers over the obscure with his linking
to everyone
. I take up the challenge and link to Curt.

Spring-boarding off of Curt's site, The California Hammonds
shows the life, love and longing of a man, husband and father.

Continuing my blog-hopping quest I came upon this guy's site
through Truth Laid Bear. He's a graphic designer (like me) but lives in Oklahoma
City (not like me). He came up with a whole mess of blogisms.

Which eventually led me to these two cool sites, gizmodo and


Baby Dreaming

By the grace of God we're at 20 and a half weeks of our first viable pregnancy since our series of miscarriages. Painful as those days were (and still are) we're now reveling in the joy of expecting our second child.

So today we went to the doctor's for the usual 20 week sonogram. The
appointment was for 2:30 and getting there at 2:05 did nothing for our
wait. The minute hand passed far into 3:00, while we listened to the
idle chatter of the staff. I blissfully played catch-up with sleep
while my thoughts at this point were "man, this is boring but at least
I get to sleep."



It?s been quite a few days and I?ll let you know that I am working on an in-depth examination of Romans chapter 4 but have been horrendously sidetracked. Better posters than myself have coined the phrase ?Real Life Trumps Blogging? and have made good use of it as the need arises.


What do I do instead of studying?

Here I am, instead of studying I'm thinking about looking at
the book of Romans in one screen and reading the book of Colossians on another.
What do I start to do?


Story Tellin?

So as I was driving home from work the other day I felt the sudden desire to turn off the radio. The main thought in my head was this: ?Think.? I sat there, driving, my eyes on the road and my mind traipsing around different ideas and thoughts and suddenly, violently even, the world (book rather) I?ve been working on since I was in junior high opened up and spiraled down to where I last left my friends (characters). It?s been about 3 years since I?ve actively touched the world?and I remember in vivid detail exactly what they?re doing.