christ worship

Jesus Christ Our Lord is Mediator

Jesus Christ is the only mediator, the one who lays a hand on each side ({{Job 9:33}}), between God and Man ({{1 Tim 2:5}}), mediating a better covenant than that found in the Law ({{Heb 8:6}}; {{Heb 12:24}}) which was mediated by Moses ({{Gal 3:19}}; {{Heb. 3:2?5}}). He has attained this exalted position by means of His full status as man ({{Heb. 2:17, 18; 4:15, 16}}), His authority by the Father ({{Matt. 28:18}}; {{John 5:22-27}}) and His atonement ({{Eph 2:13-18}}; {{Heb 9:15}}).

Of course, more can be inferred by His role as mediator throughout Scripture (as in his priestly work, his propitiatory work, his work in eternity past and the future glory)but I sought to look only at the direct references to his role as Mediator.

christ israel worship

Jesus Christ Our Lord is King

The King was foretold ({{Num 24:17}}; {{Ps 2:6; 45:1-17}}; {{Isa 9:7}}; {{Jer 23:5}}; {{Mic 5:2}}) and is demarcated as glorious ({{Ps 24:7-10}}; {{1 Cor 2:8}}), supreme ({{Ps 89:27}}; {{Rev 1:5; 19:16}}), sits on the throne of God ({{Rev 3:21}}) and to sit on the throne of David (Isa 9:7; {{Eze 37:24,25}}; {{Luke 1:32}}; {{Acts 2:20}}) as King of Zion ({{Isa 52:7}}; {{Zech 9:9}}; {{Mt 21:5}}; {{John 12:12-15}}).

christ worship

Jesus Christ Our Lord is God Incarnate

Jesus Christ is the promised, beloved son ({{John 3:16}}; {{1 Jn 4:9}}) who will have the authority on His shoulders and He is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace ({{Is 9:6}}). As the Son of God, He has spoken ({{Heb 1:1}}) and has given understanding so that we may know Him who is true?this is the true God and eternal life ({{1 John 5:20}}) as spoken of in the Old Testament ({{Jer 10:10}}). As such He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords ({{Rev 1:5, 17:14}}) something only designated for God ({{Is 6:1-3}}).

christ worship

The Riches in Christ 12 – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

reynaldo reynoso (admin)

It’s so very easy to get lost in the problems of everyday, external and internal. I mean, you can turn on your tv set or radio or open up a newspaper and you’re inundated by the worst things happening all around. Sometimes I look at the sin in my own life and dive head long into one of my infamous ?Black Funks? where I mope with furrowed brows and become, specifically, a bore.

christ worship

The Riches in Christ 11 – Trust and Obey

reynaldo reynoso (admin)

I hear the song all the time, and in all honesty, the tune often bores me. Its structure, like many hymns, is repetitive but seemingly more so in its lilting phraseology. It?s the lyrics in light of its history that makes this hymn ?Trust and Obey? so striking.

The year is 1886 and we?re in one of a series of meetings in Brockton, Massachusetts. We?re enjoying ourselves, after all, D.L. Moody is the speaker and right now we finished marinating ourselves in the lovely music directed by Daniel B. Towner, director of the music department at Moody Bible Institute. In the midst of all this, maybe he was called to do so (we don?t know, we?re only attending the meeting) A young man rises and gives his testimony.